In the Pouring Rain

"Where are we, Malfoy?" Harry asked, once the world stopped spinning.

"It looks to me like we're located outside the forest. That can't be right. We're supposed to be right where we were before, only earlier today," Draco said, looking around to be sure he wasn't hallucinating.

"Wait!" Harry yelled, taking off the hourglass. "Look!"

Draco obeyed, noticing that it wasn't a regular Time-turner. This one was all black, and has gold writing on it. He took it away from Harry, and followed the script from the top to the bottom, reading it aloud.

"I am for the tempted,
The one's called Life's Resented,
To turn back time,
Rewrite the rhyme,
Fix all that shall not be forgot.

To take you back,
Cut you some slack,
To the very moment messed,
The one that can be blessed,
Change everything you sought.

So give me a turn,
And you will learn,
How to fix a mistake.

This life you live,
It will forgive,
And turn it into fake.

The one you seek,
Will erase the bleak,
And give you something real.

If you comply,
Then you will fly,
To the moment you can heal."

He looked up at Harry when he finished. He was openly gaping.

"How can you read that. I can't even read it with my glasses!"

"I'm a Malfoy. I can do anything," Draco said, with true Malfoy arrogance. He turned the hourglass on to its side, careful not to take them back any further. "That's why, Potter," he said, pointing to the gold scrawl on the bottom. "It's mine. Caput Draconis. It means dragon's head. My grandfather used to call me that," he paused, waiting for Potter's instinctive snort. "He was one hundred when he died, and didn't know what this could mean in future sick minds. However, I remember him telling me about how you can screw up in a huge way, and never regret it. I asked him how, and he said a one-use Time-Turner. I didn't believe him, but here I am, holding it in my hand. I have to get to Ginny. Now!"

And with that, he took off into the Forbidden Forest, not knowing how much time his second chance was worth.


"Okay, Potter. Since Granger isn't here to think up any bright ideas, I suppose it's up to me. Here's what you're going to do," Draco told Harry once they were on the verge of the Death Eater's camp. "I'm going after my father. I'm not going to let him or Voldemort hurt Ginny. She and I are going to head back to Hogwarts to fulfill the prophecy, and-"

" No, Malfoy. He's not just going to let you waltz off with Ginny. You have to have a distraction," Harry sighed. "I'll do it. I'll distract your father, and you sneak in to untie Ginny. You run back to Hogwarts as planned. I have my own prophecy to take care of."

"Always have to be the hero, don't you?" Draco inquired.

"And you always have to be ungrateful."

"No, Potter. That's where you're wrong. Alright, I'll let you be the diversion," Draco said in defeat.

"How very kind-"

"Just go before I change my mind."


Ginny had this strange sense of deja vu. She glanced around, seeing Lucius standing in front of her. How did he get here? She saw that his hand was raised to hit her, but she knew he wouldn't. She was shocked to feel the sting on her face from the slap. Draco just sniggered in the corner. She glared at him, but found herself at wand point. She had to stifle a gulp as she saw the hatred in Lucius's eyes.

"Do you have ANY idea what I've had to go through to make sure my son got you here tonight?" Lucius screeched.

"Really, Ginny, you shouldn't say things like that if you're going to join our side. Didn't your father ever teach you that it was very rude to betray others?" Draco sneered.

"Obviously yours didn't!" she snapped. This quieted Draco, but Lucius wouldn't let her comment go unpunished.

"Don't you dare speak to my son like that, you ungrateful-"

"Now, now, Lucius. You mustn’t assume that she speaks to your son that way. She would never say something like that to Draco, because Draco would never treat her that way. Zabini, on the other hand, would. Now, I understand that she's a threat to you, but did you honestly think that you'd get away with it?" Harry said, once he'd emerged from the brush.

"What Draco doesn't know won't hurt him," Lucius reasoned.

Ginny gaped at the scene before her. Harry looked ruffled and if possible, even more messy than before. She couldn't believe what he was saying. Draco was treating her badly. He let his father hold her at wand point!

"Isn't it me you want? After all these years of torment and torture, I'm giving you a choice. If you back away from Ginny now, I'll let you take me to your master unarmed. I'll hand my wand over to you, and I will be as good as dead. If you kill Ginny, then you won't be alive to see tomorrow. It's now your turn to decide. Either way, Draco will get hold of you. But if you pick me, at least you would've gotten to watch me die," Harry finished, eyeing the trees behind Ginny, trained eyes seeing Draco's stealthy shadow passing through the gaps.

"Think that I'm just going to let her go, do you?" Lucius smirked.

"Well, I think Zabini can take care of it from here, right?" Harry said, turning to the Blaise Draco.

Blaise nodded dumbly, but Lucius still looked suspicious. "I know my son," he began, "And he has the 'cleverest' plans. You sure he didn't make this one up?" he finished.

Harry sighed, saying, "Oh yes, this is all a set-up. Draco is lurking right behind those bushes waiting to spring Ginny when you turn your back. That was our big plan, and now, it's ruined. Do you actually think that I would tell you if we planned this or not? How dumb do you think I am?" Harry didn't wait for an answer, "This wasn't planned, though. I'm the kind of hero who acts on impulse. You should know that by now. Hey, enough talk. Either me or Ginny. Take your pick, though I don't think your master would be very pleased to hear that you chose the girl," Harry reasoned.

It was Lucius's turn to sigh. He glanced from Ginny to Harry, contemplating which one was more valuable to him and his master. "Fine, Zabini! Watch her! Don't let her out of your sight. Potter, you come with me," he ordered, backing away from Ginny. "Accio Potter," he beckoned, which sent Harry flying toward the senior Malfoy. His eyes met Ginny's once in Lucius's grasp, giving her some kind hope. He motioned his head in the direction of the forest behind her, and then was pulled away into the brush.

"So, now you know," Zabini said, starting to change back into himself.. "I'm surprised you didn't notice it before. I mean, Draco has the whole C thing going on in his wrist. I can't get his eye color right no matter how hard I try. You so righteously claim to love him, but you didn't see that I wasn't him. All you Gryffindors are the same, all talk and no action."

"I thought that was Slytherins," Ginny shrugged, trying to wriggle free of her ropes.

"No, no. Slytherins take on actions all the time. You know, I always wondered what Draco thought was so amazing about you, but in the dim light, you actually look half-way descent. Better than Millicent, at least," he said, coming closer to where Ginny was tied. He reached out to her, but was tackled by a blond blur.

"Don't you dare, Zabini. You try that ever again, and you will never be able to experience the pleasure of a good fuck again, understand?" Draco enquired, pinning Blaise to the ground, hand covering exploding screams.

"Oh, do shut-up," Draco said whilst knocking Zabini out cold. He gave Ginny a childish grin, before he rose to his feet. "A little tied up, are we?"

Ginny couldn't help but laugh as he made his way over to her, kissing her softly. "I love you," were the first words out of her mouth.

"Believe me Ginny, I love you." Draco began to untie her robes, massaging her bloodstained wrists after he finished. She wrenched her hands free only to lose them around his neck.

"Draco, I was so scared that this was all real. I-I thought that I was a fool for ever trusting you, and-" Draco silenced her with another kiss.

"It was all fake, Gin. You mean more to me than my own life, and I would never make you a fool. I love you too much. But, we have to get back to Hogwarts while we still have the time."

"You won't be going anywhere, Malfoy." The couple turned to see Vera Vex.


Harry followed Lucius through the woods, wondering how Draco was doing.

He’s must love her. I never thought I’d ever come to the conclusion that a Malfoy loved a Weasley, or vice versa. But then again, I wouldn’t be in this situation if he didn’t. Oh Dumbledore, please come soon!

“So, here is the infamous Harry Potter. I never thought I’d see the day when I could defeat both of my enemies in the same day, let alone the same hour,” Voldemort said upon Harry’s entrance to his camp.

“You’ll never get her. I know one person who’ll make sure of that!” Harry declared.

“Really? Malfoy? Draco? Ooh, I’m so scared! The slimy git is going to come and get me!” Voldemort shouted in mock fright.

“No, I believe Mr. Potter was talking about me,” A man stepped out of the brush, eyes hidden behind half-moon spectacles.

So sorry that it took so long! Please review!
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