Rebecca Ripple [Contact]

Real name: Rebecca Fine
Registered: Nov 22, 2008
Membership status: Member
Beta-reader: Yes

I'm so happy that Mynuet let me post By Firelight here despite the first few chapters being shorter than 1,000 words (the FIA limit). I love this site and its stories, and it's a privelage to join the author list on Fire and Ice. Thank you Mynuet!

And many thanks to the Cabal, as well, for pointing out errors I had missed so they could be fixed promptly.

A special thanks and a hug each to my lovable beta readers, Mell8 and Annalise!

Last, but certainly not least, if you've been kind enough to review my work, thank YOU!

My username on the FIA Forums is the same: Rebecca Ripple

Favorite Authors
1. Imaiya
The Thorn and His Rose - Read it ASAP!
2. Mynuet
3. yunnage
I potato yunnage! :D