Reviews For Accidental Love
Name: lavenderab reviewed Welcoming Party on Mar 29, 2010 06:08 pm
Another good chapter I love this story I love stories where the brothers are involved

Author's Response: Thank you! The Weasley brothers are such fun to write ;)
Name: Boogum reviewed Welcoming Party on Nov 05, 2009 07:58 pm
I definitely remember this chapter. The 'talk' with the Weasley boys always amused me. They're so formal about it. I also love the fact that Draco decides to say they were just talking about Quidditch, even though he knows Ginny wouldn't believe him. The ending, of course, is very sweet.

Author's Response: Thanks! Draco knows how to play the game and he wouldn't want to give those Weasley boys any excuse to 'talk' to him again ;)
Name: Myst reviewed Welcoming Party on Aug 07, 2008 05:28 pm
You glossed over their whole blossoming relationship >< The vast majority of the fun of the DG Ship is their dealing with the dawning realization that each really likes the other, and how they react to it. The give-take, push-pull, deny-affirm swirl of emotions and hilarity that ensues is delicious. Sadly, we don't get that. *sigh* I still like this, just feel there's something missing.

Author's Response: The blossoming relationship isn't glossed over, because it doesn't exist. Their attraction at this point is purely physical and they're just reacting to that :)
Name: ExquisiteBeauty reviewed Welcoming Party on Aug 07, 2007 11:23 pm
I love the Weasley men! And the thing is, none of them are dead! I love the confrontation between the Weasleys and Draco. It always amuses me how Draco, a Slytherin, can be intimidated by a bunch of red-haired men... On second thought, he probably does have a right to be intimidated.

Theyve been going out for ten days! They are dating, right? Or is this still part of the plan? I hope not. I want them to fall in love and have cute PHBs. Maybe at first it was part of the plan, but then they couldnt deny the attraction, and then it was not part of the plan.


Author's Response: Draco has every right to be intimidated, especially when the boys are all together ;) Well, Draco is playing along with the plan, because he thinks that's where Ginny is at, but he has other ideas *g*rnrnThanks!
Name: enoimreh reviewed Welcoming Party on Aug 06, 2007 05:14 pm
Wow. Their relationship definitely progressed a lot in this chapter, haha.

" After all, if he ran they'd catch him eventually, and he'd be sweaty and dead, instead of just dead."
^^hahahahahahaha....'nough said

Would love to see more DG action, of course. Update soon?

Author's Response: Thanks! Yes, Draco's mind is well ahead of what he's willing to admit openly, but he is thinking along lines he's always ran away from in the past ;) I couldn't imagine him being pleased with having a sweaty corpse ;)
Name: ZSF reviewed Welcoming Party on Aug 06, 2007 04:20 pm
I like the idea of Harry and Draco being partners and friends. Too often, I think, is Harry portrayed as stupid, self-centered, and sexually 'disabled'. Although that is funny. Good job!

Author's Response: Thanks! In this scenario they work well together as partners ;)
Name: pens82 reviewed Welcoming Party on Aug 06, 2007 03:53 pm
great loved it

Author's Response: Thank you :)
Name: jessica k malfoy reviewed Welcoming Party on Aug 06, 2007 02:38 pm
I love it! You are such a wonderful writer. My mom came in here and said 'what's so funny?'

Author's Response: Thank you *blushes*
Name: CourtneyFaith reviewed Welcoming Party on Aug 06, 2007 12:46 pm
~Too Perfect. I cant wait for an update.~

Author's Response: Thanks!
Name: GPGA reviewed Welcoming Party on Aug 06, 2007 08:53 am
Great chapter!! I really like how this is a fun story not taking anything too seriously. Love the you you write Draco, Ginny and everyone else. Can't wait for the next chapter.

Author's Response: Thank you so much :)
Name: DracoGinnyLover reviewed Welcoming Party on Aug 06, 2007 08:01 am
As always the best! I am glad that they don't give him to much gref. Can't wait to read more. Good Luck! :)

Author's Response: Thanks! They have to be careful how much grief they give him or they'll be on the receiving end themselves ;)
Name: Moonyk reviewed Welcoming Party on Aug 06, 2007 07:28 am
I laughed out loud at the beginning paragraph, where they get down to it and get naked. I don't know why, it just tickled me! And omg, I'm glad you kept the Weasleys exactly the same as in your previous fic. It makes them YOUR Weasleys you know?

The whole brothers intimidate Draco thing, and I'm glad to have Harry very much on Draco's side, and it all just felt very familiar. Though maybe things are going fast but that's okay.

Good job, cheerio!

Author's Response: Thanks! I like 'my' Weasleys *g* They make tormenting our lovable Draco so much fun ;) Draco is Harry's partner and it would have been a hassle to find another if he'd let them kill him or something ;) Draco's thinking very fast and that's why he's keeping his thoughts to himself at the moment.
Name: Valesca reviewed Welcoming Party on Aug 06, 2007 06:24 am
I really love this new fic. It's just great, I'm looking forward to the next chapter. :-)

And I too loved the payback in the Ministry. I laughed so hard.
Keep it up, you're doing a really great job!

Author's Response: Thanks! These chapters were a lot of fun to write ;)
Name: Ananyamous reviewed Welcoming Party on Aug 06, 2007 05:42 am
Awwww. I love the threats and I love the warm fuzzy feelings and the last bit.

Author's Response: Thanks! The boys couldn't help themselves ;)
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