Hannah Abbott

Age: 26
Birthdate: 01-10-1980
Family background: Hannah is the daughter of Emily, nee Carpenter, and Mortimer Abbott. Her father is a Muggle born and a alumni of Ravenclaw and owns a Muggle bookstore. Her mother was Pureblood (though several members of the Carpenter family are Muggle borns and adopted the Carpenter name by marriage), also a alumni of Ravenclaw and worked up until her death at the Ministry at the Muggle Liaison office.
House in School: Hufflepuff
Bloodline (and does it matter?): Half Blood – No, It doesn't matter to Hannah. Her parents are of different backgrounds. Her mother's family is an old and established family in the Magical world but was always known to welcome Muggle borns and non-pure bloods into its circle.
Political Views: Sided with the DA and the Order of the Phoenix during the War.
Visual Representation: Sienna Miller earlier in her career.
Description: Hannah is a small person (5' 4'') with an average to slightly sturdy build. Her eyes are larger than average and blue and she wears her long, blond hair in soft waves just below her shoulders. It is usually held up and away from her face by some hair band, a clip or some pins. Hannah prefers casual, practical clothes and rarely wears flashy make up. She likes her skirts and tights. Her nails are short and unpolished. You will occasionally see dirt under her nails and in her face when she just comes back from the greenhouses.

Psychology and Personality
Sexuality: Straight
Strengths and Weaknesses: Hannah is a warm hearted, very people-oriented person. She is one of first that will offer you help and/or advice; sometimes even if you don't want it. She will visit you in the infirmary and bring a book she thought you might enjoy.
In consequence, Hannah “withers” very soon when she is denied interaction and emotional support. She doesn't do well when getting the silent and ignoring treatment. That's when her subconsciousness kicks in and Hannah tries to make everything right. With all means she has at hand and usually with losses on her side only.
When she is angry, she becomes irrational fast. It is a problem for her to remain calm and rational when faced with hard feelings.
She is very playful and teasing with her friends and close persons.
When it comes to school, education and work, she is focused and hands-on, able to sink into a state of sole concentration on books or manual labor.
Habits\Quirks: Blushes easily. Bites her lip. Likes to call people close to her 'Silly'. Works in a nursery yet can't keep plants at home alive for all the money in the world. Doesn't like polish on her nails.
Likes\Dislikes: Likes: Books, tea, evenings in front of the fire place, plants and flowers, game night with her friends, her friends in general, her guinea pig Toddie, Asian food. Dislikes: Stress, grappy men, drinks stronger than Fire Whiskey, French (her parents made her take lessons)
Occupation: Senior manager of the flower shop and nursery Belladonna
Financial Status: Modest but independent.
Residence: She rents the two upper stories of a little apartment complex in Hackney. Most of the top story is a huge sun deck she decked out with bamboo and other hardy trees and plants.

History from student days at Hogwarts to the present time: It was no surprise when her Hogwarts letter came. It was a surprise, however, that Hannah, the daughter of two Ravenclaws, was sorted into Hufflepuff. Hannah loved the warm and welcoming badgers' den and its inhabitants on first sight and embraced their spirit and mentality.
Hannah was a good student, excelling in Herbology and Ancient Runes. Her best friends were Susan Bones and Justin Finch-Fletchley.
Hannah's love life is literally littered with crushes and fleeting "loves". Hannah's first kiss – surprise, surprise – was Ernie Macmillan and she was 13. He was dared to kiss her for thirty seconds. Hannah had found it gross then. That didn't stop her from doing it again when she was 15 and they regularly snogged each other silly in a nook near the Charms classroom. She never went all the way with a boy while at Hogwarts, mainly due to a serious crush she had developed on the Ravenclaw Kevin Entwhistle before she was pulled out of school.
Hannah was pulled out of Hogwarts in her sixth year and never returned until the Battle of Hogwarts.
Even before Hannah's mother has been killed in a Death Eater ambush, the family had been “bullied” by Voldemort's supporters. Her mum had received anonymous letters demanding her handing in her resignation at the Muggle Liaison Office. They had never dared to attack her father in any way but after the burial of her mother, someone slipped a flier sporting a Dark Mark on their kitchen table. That was the breaking point for her father and he took Hannah and two trunks and asked Hannah's maternal grandparents to put them up for their security.
During what would have been the rest of her sixth and the whole seventh year, Hannah was taught “magic” by an elderly German witch who, after teaching at Salem, retired in Great Britain.
Hannah came to Hogwarts when she was summoned by the fake Galleon of her DA days and fought along side the other members of the DA.
After the battle, Hannah took a gap year to help with the rebuilding and the restoring of the Magical community via a peace corps and then began her studies in Herbology. During her under graduate studies, she showed great potential, so when she started post graduate studies, she was invited to work at several research projects. Anthony Goldstein snatched her from the research team of her unit shortly before she passed her doctorate and stood her defense.
She works as the sole senior manager at his flower shop and nursery Belladonna. She was and still is receiving manager training and is trained on hand on occasion when it comes to book keeping and such.

Hannah's Puppet Master is Jenny (cosmo_jenny)