Eloise Violetta Midgen

Age: 27
Birthdate: August 16, 1978
Family background: Her parents Elijah and Sarah Midgeon, and she is an only child born of only children. Still, she was never spoiled. They believed that hard work built character, and she had to earn every privilege she had at home. She didn't really enjoy doing much as a young child, and felt out of place in Hogwarts. Her appearance (bad acne, somewhat overweight, brunt of everyone's jokes) didn't help her socially, either.
House in School: Hufflepuff
Bloodline (and does it matter?): Pureblood, if you go by legal definitions. Her maternal grandmother was a halfblood, and she doesn't know very much about the Muggleborn great-grandmother. It doesn't matter to her.
Political Views: What is this thing you call politics?
Visual Representation: Alexis Dziena
Description: Currently, she is a lot thinner than she had been in Hogwarts, though she is still fairly short. She's 5'2" and needs to work out fairly strenuously to keep the physique. If she doesn't force herself to keep to a very disciplined workout, she tends to sit around and can get pudgy in the middle. She tries to wear necklaces (especially chokers) and cuff bracelets at all times. She loves dangly, sparkly earrings as well. She's not opposed to wearing pants, but prefers dresses or skirts to show off her legs. She's very proud of her legs.

Psychology and Personality
Sexuality: She likes fairly muscled men, though she has experimented a bit with girls before.
Strengths and Weaknesses: She is disciplined and determined, which is why she was sorted into Hufflepuff. She can put together a persona and meet others' expectations this way, but that leaves her feeling hollow and empty inside. She tries to maintain this facade for her parents at all cost, and uses her success as a writer to stave off any concern about her personal life. She doesn't date, exactly. She goes out for the sole purpose of winding up in bed with someone for the night that she can discard in the morning when satisfied. She had been badly burned in high school, and doesn't trust romantic relationships at all.
Habits\Quirks: She bites her lip when she's nervous and feels comfortable enough to show her discomfort. She otherwise will pick at her fingernails and attempt to look bored. She likes to keep something around her neck and wrist at all times, because she feels too exposed otherwise. It doesn't matter if she's wearing a micro mini or a blouse that goes down to her navel, if she has a choker and cuff wristlet on, she feels dressed. She knows she's short, so she's perfected the art of walking in three to four inch stilettos. She's even perfected the art of running in them, if necessary. She has no sense of direction and has been late on many occasions, so running was very necessary to learn. She also picked up some of the slang from the States, and has embarassed her mother with occasionally losing her British accent while speaking.
Likes\Dislikes: Likes chocolate. (She's no chocolate snob. Anything from Hershey's to Godivas will whet her appetite.) Likes diamonds and sapphires, silk and lacy things. Her favorite meal is actually a filet mignon, medium, with baked sweet potato (and that awesome cinnamon sugar butter spread) and corn with more butter on top. Hence the need to exercise religiously, which she hates but does with a diligence worthy of her Hufflepuff roots. She also hates getting lost, panhandlers and owing anyone anything. She likes feeling independent and knowing that her parents are proud of her. Hates being asked when she'll settle down and start having children. Pretends that she hates babies.
Occupation: Author
Financial Status: Comfortable. It's rude to ask about specifics, isn't it?
Residence: With her parents in an old family estate on the outskirts of London

History from student days at Hogwarts to the present time: Her father withdrew her from Hogwarts in 1996 for fear that Voldemort's return would lead to even more death and destruction. The family emigrated to the United States, which Eloise was bitterly opposed to. Because of family loyalty, she didn't feel comfortable objecting. She attended a private wizarding school in Boston affiliated with the Salem Witches' Institute, and initially was going to attend it. During her time in the private school, however, she became involved with one of the Muggleborn wizards attending the school. She became pregnant at the end of her senior year, and he balked at assuming any responsibility. Eloise then withdrew from the Salem Institute and enrolled in the Muggle New York University for English literature. She didn't even tell her parents the reason for the switch, and was determined to raise her baby on her own. She felt her parents would be so disappointed in her poor choices (especially considering her crooked nose is a constant reminder that she had carelessly cursed her own face) and did not want them to feel as though she had failed them. Her Muggle roommate Veronica found her passed out in their dorm room early in the fall term and took her to a nearby Muggle hospital. It turned out she had massive bleeding due to an incomplete miscarriage, and had a hysterectomy. She did not tell her parents about this either, and refuses to even think about this event. Her roommate didn't even get all of the details.
Eloise channeled her energies into her studies and graduated magna cum laude from NYU with a Bachelor's in English literature. However, she was at a loss of what to do with such a thing. Her parents were very proud of her accomplishment and fully expected her to return to Boston to live with them, then settle down to marry a young wizard of their choosing. Having already seen Boston's elite, Eloise decided to stay in New York City with her friends. She had friends who were Muggle, Muggleborn wizards, Squibs and Pureblood, and didn't want to settle down. At a loss for what to do professionally, she enrolled in a Master's level creative writing program. One of her mentors thought she had a gift for observation and expressing herself through writing, and helped her develop her ideas enough to enter the publishing world. She tended to write fantasy or popular fiction novels, and quickly found herself on the New York Times Bestseller lists. She had a small apartment in the East Village, and enjoyed writing in the coffee shops and bookstores in the area. At night, she would go clubbing with her friends and go home with random people, then disappear back to her own apartment in the morning.
She would have been very happy keeping up this lifestyle if not for family. Specifically, her great-aunt Belinda. Her mother's aunt, Belinda had been something of a grandmother figure for Eloise while growing up. Belinda died suddenly, leaving her estate and its rundown grounds to Sarah and Eloise. It's been almost ten years since she left England, and now Eloise is returning, full of mixed feelings.

Eloise's Puppet Master is Mylan (eustacia_vye28)