Katrina Elizabeth Bell

Age: 27
Birthdate: November 9, 1978
Family background: Katie is the youngest of three sisters. There's a fairly large gap between her and her two elder sisters Sabrina and Catriona. She felt more like an only child as a result, and was left to her own devices. Her parents are loving and very supportive of her. Her father nicknames her the son he never had because of her skill and love of Quidditch.
House in School: Gryffindor, Class of 1997! Woo!
Bloodline (and does it matter?): Three quarters. Her father is Half and her mother is Pure. Her father's Muggle cousin is Sir Stuart Bell, MP for Middlebrough. It doesn't matter one bit, either way.
Political Views: Don't ban Quidditch and we're all good.
Visual Representation: Kathleen Robertson
Description: Lithe, athletic and graceful under pressure, Katie is 5'9". She has brown hair that she sometimes highlights and sometimes darkens, depending on the weather. She has vivid green eyes and a ready smile. She has some freckles on the bridge of her nose from being out in the sun a lot and sometimes forgetting the sunscreen potions.

Psychology and Personality
Sexuality: Yes, please! Bisexual if you must label it something.
Strengths and Weaknesses: Katie has a sense of humor. She can get pretty sarcastic, but she is generous to a fault. She is an overachiever and has been known to push herself too hard even when injured. As a result, she doesn't have any feeling in her left ring finger or pinky.
Habits/Quirks: She has a habit of sticking the tip of her tongue out over her upper lip when she's thinking hard. She tends to tuck her wand into her hair as a hair stick if she's puttering about at home. When not flying, she sometimes takes walks in her neighborhood to clear her head to think.
Likes/Dislikes: Likes: sunrises, sex, Quidditch, flying fast on a broom, chocolate frogs, pumpkin juice, butterbeer. Absolutely likes but will never admit it to her girly older sisters: dangly earrings, shiny jewelry, fancy dresses and skimpy tops. Hush, you! Dislikes: feeling stupid, losing, being sidelined because of yet another broken bone or torn ligament.
Occupation: Chaser for Puddlemere United. Volunteers with Quidditch for Unity
Financial Status: Fairly comfortable, thanks.
Residence: She owns a small row house in Grove Hill, Middlesbrough. It's not that far from her parents' home or her sisters' homes. It's difficult to get there by apparition for some reason, so she takes public transit to the closest apparition point or flies on her broom in the middle of the night.

History from student days at Hogwarts to the present time: Katie played Chaser along with Alicia Spinnet and Angelina Johnson for Gryffindor. She took a few nasty hits during her time on the team, but she always rallied and insisted on playing for as long as she could as hard as she could. Katie had bad luck in the fall of 1996 when she was placed under the Imperius Curse by Madam Rosmerta to carry a cursed opal necklace to someone at Hogwarts. The parcel broke open as she argued with her girlfriend Leanne about their relationship plans after graduation. When Katie touched the necklace her body levitated as she writhed in pain, and then collapsed. She underwent treatment at St. Mungo's and managed to graduate from Hogwarts in the spring. Needless to say, she and Leanne had broken up long before graduation. Katie was already set to start playing with Puddlemere United after graduation, and she did it with such gusto that she impressed the others.
The Imperio and time on the cursed ward at St. Mungo's had left its mark, however. It made her realize that she had to do something, but wasn't sure what a reserve professional Quidditch player could do. Because of that, she fought in the Battle of Hogwarts in May 1998. It helped exorcise the last of the helpless feeling she hadn't been able to shake; there, she had been able to do something after all. She luckily wasn't seriously injured and was able to return to the team. She signed up to help coach with Quidditch for Unity, and was assigned Ravenclaw House.
She's had a string of short lived relationships with men and women since leaving Hogwarts, but there hasn't been one that stood out as memorable enough to stick with. It makes her a little sad at holidays, as her sisters keep going on and on about how wonderful it is to be married and then try to fix her up with whatever single bloke they know. They're single for a reason, but Katie doesn't have the heart to tell her sisters that their blind dates are terrible. Still, she doesn't live for a relationship. She lives for the game. There's a purity in a well played match, and that's what she aspires to. When she flies, nothing else exists, and she wouldn't have it any other way.

Katie's Puppet Master is Mylan (eustacia_vye28)