Kenneth Towler

Age: 28
Birthdate: May 30, 1978
Family background: Ken is the youngest of four in a fairly traditional Irish family. He has three older sisters that teased him mercilessly as a child in their home in County Clare. He adores them and the nieces and nephews they have. They're a fairly close-knit family, for all that he lives far away from them. His parents have both died, and his eldest sister Deirdre has taken over the reins as head of the family. His other sisters Myra and Julianne are more than happy to let her do so.
House in School: Gryffindor
Bloodline (and does it matter?): Halfblood. His parents were both halfbloods, actually. He's very happy with that, thank you very much. He considers it the best of both worlds.
Political Views: Whatever works for the good of his patients.
Visual Representation: Ryan Reynolds
Description: Standing at six feet tall, Kenneth has sandy blond hair, brown eyes and freckles easily out in the sun. He likes clean, simple clothing, and regularly dresses in suits for work. On his own time, he is just as comfortable in jeans and T shirt as he is in leather jackets. He's fairly muscular and works at it often.

Psychology and Personality
Sexuality: Straight as an arrow.
Strengths and Weaknesses: Kenneth tends to work hard at everything he does. Worthy causes draw him in, and he can be a tireless campaigner. He can get caught up in whatever he's doing, and can easily forget how long he has spent on a task. He's forgotten meals and cut back on sleep doing this. He's learned the hard way that he can't exist on two hours of sleep for more than three or four days in a row. Sometimes he can come across as a zealot; he doesn't mean to offend in those instances, but it's a fine line.
Habits\Quirks: He can't cook. Tea from a teabag is about as far as his culinary skills go; he's burned eggs regularly enough that he's grateful for fast food breakfast in the morning. If a machine can't make it or he can't microwave it, he'll have to order it. If a new toy comes out on the market, Kenneth heads straight to the toy store. He will always say it's research, and use either his nieces, nephews or patients as an excuse to play.
Likes\Dislikes: He loves Thai food and sushi, though he's never been to Asia. He's a bit of a homebody, though he loves reading travel books. He likes rock music, riding his motorcycle fast on the Muggle motorways, hiking in the woods, playing with toys, playing with his dog Murphy, and playing with his nieces and nephews. Dislikes anorectic-looking women trying to get his attention because of his motorcycle. He actually believes in the fairy tale ending of happily ever after, as his parents had been happily married for their entire lives. He's still waiting for Miss Right.
Occupation: Child therapist. He has a private practice and is a consultant for St. Mungo's, if they have need of his skills.
Financial Status: He works hard for the money, but it's not all about that.
Residence: The Towler residence in County Clare on holidays and vacations. He has a flat near his private office in Cardiff, Wales.

History from student days at Hogwarts to the present time: Kenneth was in the Weasley twins' year. He was a fairly average student, often nervous about exams and such. With the Battle of Hogwarts, however, his eyes opened. He saw children hurt, maimed, tortured and killed. Some of the younger ones seemed traumatized, and there was no system afterward to help them overcome it. Medical school seemed too complicated, so he decided to become a therapist. He's worked in Magical and Muggle clinics, gaining experience until he felt comfortable enough opening his own practice this past winter in Cardiff, near his Muggle training program.
He discovered motorcycles through a friend of his in the psychologists' training program he entered out of Hogwarts. For his friend, it was a passing fad. For Kenneth, it became a passion. He loves driving it, and would take it everywhere if he could. He's still waiting to find someone that shares his passions, and not someone interested in remolding him to suit her tastes.

Kenneth's Puppet Master is Mylan (eustacia_vye28)