Edward Carmichael V

Alias: V or Eddie Carmichael by his Hogwarts cohorts
Age: 27
Birthdate: April 9, 1979
Family background: Raised as a proper pureblood gentleman by his mother and taught the ways of life by his worldly father. The family motto is "Tout Jour Prest" or "Always ready." With that in mind, the Carmichael clan has dispersed throughout the world. As the eldest, Michael chose to stay in England and sent his siblings away to the continent as the UK was too small to hold them all. The entire clan gets together at the manor a few times a year to brag, bitch, and beg.
House in School: Ravenclaw. The Sorting Hat offered him Slytherin, but Edward was cunning enough to say no. With the political climate of the time, he thought it would be easier to make connections if he was a "neutral" Ravenclaw.
Bloodline (and does it matter?): Pureblood. Does it matter? It depends on who is asking.
Political Views: Capitalist and closet blood purist
Visual Representation: Wentworth Miller III
Description: Intense. Edward stands at 1.88 m and is usually seen freshly-shaved in expensive suits. When working, he takes particular care of his appearance as he wants to look trustworthy, yet powerful at the same time. He may not command attention of a room as soon as he walks in, but once he looks you in the eye, you will never be able to look away.

Psychology and Personality
Strengths and Weaknesses: Strengths: He makes it his business to know everything about everyone. If he just met you, he will read you like a book, play you like a violin, and convince you to pay to attend your own concert. He could also charm your grandmother to give up her seat on the bus on a rainy day. Not that he ever would, since he's a gentleman. Weakness? He is very much the domineering alpha male who secretly wants to take over the world. But he thinks it's a strength.
Habits\Quirks: Loves fire. Playing with it. Looking at it. Creating it.
Likes\Dislikes: Loves fire. Whiskey. Lightning. Your mum. Hates wet socks. Wet underwear. Stupid people. Your mum.
Occupation: Real estate mongul with a black market potions business on the side.
Financial Status: Used the old Pureblood fortune to amass an even greater new Pureblood fortune
Residence: The Eastend House on the Carmichael Estate in the Clyde Valley of Lanarkshire

History from student days at Hogwarts to the present time: Ever since he was young, Edward has had the unique talent of seeing the next big thing and the shortcuts in life. For example, when he was at Hogwarts, he managed to get his hands on Baruffio's Brain Elixir and score nine "Outstanding"O.W.L.s on this exams. The following year, he was naturally trying to profit off of Harry Potter and Ron Weasley until Hermione Granger confiscated the bottle and poured it down the toilet. To this day he firmly believes she owes him twelve galleons. Plus interest.
During the war, Edward knew Voldemort was too crazy to win and that Potter would eventually prevail. So he kept his head down and quietly bought the land of all the stores that foreclosed during the war in Diagon Alley, Hogsmeade, and other wizarding towns. Post-war, when the shops wanted to reopen, Michael became their new landlord. He kept low interest rates, gave grace periods to those who couldn't pay rent, and was, overall, generous to his tenants. It's not that he's generous or patient--he's just cunning. He knows that in this political climate with increasing hatred towards purebloods, it will be highly advantages to have people owe him favors. He uses his connections with everyone to sell the black market potions that Snape doesn't want to be seen dealing with.

Eddie's Puppet Master is Diane (goeungurl)