Hermione Jane Granger

Age: 26
Birthdate: September 19, 1979
Family background: Raised in a happy home as an only child. As her parents were both academics and practicing dentists, they raised Hermione as an adult. At the dinner table, her parents always spoke to her as an equal while they debated every topic under the sun. If Hermione was unsure of a topic, they encouraged her to do research at the public library and then continue the discussion the next evening.
House in School: Gryffindor and proud of it!
Bloodline (and does it matter?): Muggleborn. And no it doesn't matter. She strongly believes it should not matter what kind of blood people have and she's willing to duel or debate anyone who disagrees with her.
Political Views: She supported the Order of the Phoenix during the war, but now, she supports whoever she thinks is doing the right thing. As of now, it's the Ministry.
Visual Representation: Rachel Weisz
Description: Because she is only 5'2" and rather ordinary, Hermione has learned to focus on her positive attributes. She has beautiful hands (although usually spotted with ink), a nice butt, and thanks to Draco Malfoy, normal-sized teeth. Best of all, with some conditioning, she can even wrangle her hair to resemble the sexy bedroom curls the girls in Playwizard seem to have. Not that she can ever be bothered to.

Psychology and Personality
Strengths and Weaknesses: Hermione believes her strength lies not her intelligence as many people perceive it to be, but in her tenacity and diligence with regards to her studies which enables her intelligence. She's very passionate about whatever she does--even if it means she comes across as bossy or annoying. Again, she thinks it's a strength but other people may believe it's her weakness.
Habits\Quirks: She only uses pens, chews her lower lip when stressed, and checks the sky every day for her favorite color. (Which is the deep, deep blue that can only be found in a completely clear autumn sky.)
Likes\Dislikes: Likes libraries, books, lists, her best friends Harry and Ron, research, and solving problems. Dislikes snobs and people without common sense.
Occupation: Chief Alderwitch of the Wizengamot
Financial Status: Hermione does okay for herself but needs (and wants) to work for her money. She is budgets, fastidiously saves for retirement, and can haggle like your grandmother at the Saturday morning fish market.
Residence: At a flat in London.

History from student days at Hogwarts to the present time: After the war, the Trio was showered with job offers and honors as the saviors of the wizarding world. After careful consideration, Hermione accepted a position on the Wizengamot as the youngest member ever (Harry and Ron declined the honor). As the Wizengamot is steeped in traditions and hierarchies that are strictly confidential to the outside world, it was only after Hermione's swearing in that Tiberious Ogden, the former alderwizard at the age of 69, gleefully informed her that as the younger inductee, Hermione would be filling the position of Chief Alderwitch. Despite the intimidating title, the Chief Alderwitch was to read all briefs, summarize and present them to the group, research past precedents, act as a liaison between the group and the Ministry, and fetch the tea. (The 'Chief' part was added to the title despite there being only one alderwizard/witch at a time.) The other elders reassured her that the position will only last until they get another member younger than her. Elder Ogden just smiled. He was planning on taking a long break after his past seventeen years as Chief Alderwizard.
Now that seven years have past, Hermione feels like she has a good hold on the demands of the Alderwitch position. As Wizengamot tradition dictates, she has started searching for her second job that all the other elders already have.

Hermione's Puppet Master is Diane (goeungurl)