Madam Rosmerta Gabrielle

Age: *arches a single eyebrow* As if.
Birthdate: March 23
Family background: She is very tight-lipped about her childhood except that it was rough and took place in Knockturn Alley. Rosmerta learned to become unapologetic for who she is. She's done the best with what she was born with, and she's proud of it.
House in School: Hufflepuff
Bloodline (and does it matter?): Half-blood
Political Views: She is an opportunist. As long as people do not stand in her way, she's fine. Voldemort? Bad--he hurt her business. DPRES? Okay as long as she's not the one getting taxed.
Visual Representation: Jayne Mansfield
Description: A buxom blond with blue eyes. Always shows plenty of cleavage, of course. Jealous girls (obviously brunettes) have been known to call her "boring" and "cliché." To which she says "Fuck you. Deal with it. I may be a cliché, but I'm a fucking HOT cliché." The author would, however, like it to be noted that she tried to make her dark-haired, exotic, and not so terribly typical.

Psychology and Personality
Sexuality: Overflows with it. Whoever strikes her fancy. (Or has the money.)
Strengths and Weaknesses: Can seduce anything on two legs. Yes, even you.
Habits\Quirks: When she's home alone, she enjoys being naked.
Likes\Dislikes: Likes: Sex, money, compliments, experimenting, honesty. Dislikes: Skinny dicks, cheap tippers, dishonesty, snobs.
Occupation: Face of the Madame Rose's cosmetic line. Proprietor of the Three Broomsticks.
Financial Status: Extremely comfortable
Residence: A beautiful townhouse overlooking Hosgmeade and the Three Broomsticks.

History from student days at Hogwarts to the present time: After Hogwarts, Rosmerta never returned home. Instead, she got a day job as a barmaid at the Three Broomsticks. She charmed and flirted her way up to manager where she was able to cater to the rich clientele and their non-alcoholic needs. It was one of these clients that would bankroll the purchase of her house and the Three Broomsticks.

Romerta's Puppet Master is Diane (goeungurl)