Cho Yue Chang

Age: 27
Birthdate: January 25, 1979 (year of the horse, earth, positive aspect)
Family background: Cho was born on an auspicious day, the birthdate of the Buddha, which delighted her traditional-minded grandmother. Her parents, who had almost completely assimilated into the culture of their adopted country, were just happy to welcome a healthy, smiling baby. Her grandmother has been muttering almost non-stop for years about how Cho must have been born on the wrong day because she's failed to be a good Chinese girl, being Scottish in all but name and appearance. Cho's attempts to learn Mandarin in order to please her grandmother haven't been very successful, but her grandmother was the one who held her and comforted her the most after Cedric's death. Cho's parents have always been loving and indulgent, but focused more on career than family.
House in School: Ravenclaw
Bloodline (and does it matter?): nly her mother is magical. Her (paternal) grandmother only wrapped her head around accepting this because at least Cho's mother was Chinese, not like the English girls Cho's father had previously dated.
Political Views: Cho despises the Death Eaters, but she's not a fan of Hermione (or Harry), either. Still, she came back to fight at Hogwarts and strike a blow against the monsters who discarded Cedric's life like it had no meaning or value.
Visual Representation: Barbie Xu
Description: Beautiful in a classically Chinese way (except for her big ears), Cho sometimes felt self-conscious growing up surrounded by people who didn't look like her at all. She's comfortable with herself, though, and can look very ordinary or very glamorous depending on how much effort she puts into it.

Psychology and Personality
Sexuality:Straight as an arrow, and only within the context of a loving and committed relationship.
Strengths and Weaknesses: Cho has a talent for prophecy, which embarrasses her a little.
Her biggest weakness is that she tends to be easily overruled by her emotions. She knows this and tries to control it, which can make her seem cold and withdrawn.
Habits\Quirks:Meticulous in her outside persona, her inner sanctum is usually a mess. Not so much because of untidiness, but because she moves from one thing to the next so often that there's always more than one project ongoing - a jigsaw puzzle, needlepoint, sketching, reading, etc. She gets interested in new things all the time, but frequently loses interest just as quickly.
Cho grew up a city girl, and has a deep distrust of any ground that isn't paved. Her habit of wearing very high heels might have something to do with that.
Likes\Dislikes: Likes: New things, Led Zepplin, haggis.
Dislikes: Nature, Pink Floyd, cabbage.
Occupation: She took over recently as Divination Professor at Hogwarts, after Trelawney succumbed to the effects of attempting to pickle her own liver for decades. Before that, Cho worked for her father's company as an actuary.
Financial Status: Comfortably upper-middle class. Enough to be a bit of a princess, not enough to shop with abandon.
Residence: Hogwarts. She had a leased flat before she took the position, but saw no sense in paying for it when she didn't need it. Her things are either in storage or with her at the school, and the plan for when school isn't in session is to just go home to her parents and grandmother.

History from student days at Hogwarts to the present time: When she left Hogwarts, she didn't have any inclination towards any particular profession, so she started helping out at her father's company and, in the finest tradition of working your way up, started by pushing the snack cart. When serving tea to the senior actuary, Cho blurted out that his prediction was wrong - her first real prophecy. She wasn't believed, but she started researching the phenomenon, wanting to figure out if there was something useful to it, if it would be more accurate than the sort of statistical analysis and projections based on past trends that the actuaries did. She enrolled in Heriot-Watt University and then sat the exam to become a Fellow of the Faculty of Actuaries. She also studied various forms of divination and is proficient in several: palmistry, I Ching, casting bones, and crystal reading. She's still working on the Tarot; right now she's as likely to see a game of solitaire in the cards as the actual future.
She worked at her father's company kind of by default, but she started breaking away by getting her own apartment, and when she was offered the position at Hogwarts (mostly through being the only Seer available at the time), she jumped at the chance. While Hogwarts has a lot of sad memories for her, it also has happy ones. Moreover, by working at Hogwarts, she can have the time and resources to find out more about what she calls the science of divination, rather than the shows from charlatans, which to her includes all the forms she's studied. Oh, sure, they work, but as far as she's concerned, there has to be a better way.

Cho's Puppet Master is Sharlene (mynuet)