Collier Quintus Warrington

Age: 29
Birthdate: May 16, 1977
Family background: Youngest of five children, with the heir being the firstborn and three girls before they got the spare. They're not a particularly close family, although Collier still has a soft spot for his nanny elf.
House in School: Slytherin
Bloodline (and does it matter?): Pureblood, and he doesn't give a damn.
Political Views: He doesn't care about the background of the bad guys - he's seen more than enough to know that who your family is has nothing to do with whether or not you're a scumbag.
Visual Representation: David Boreanaz

Psychology and Personality
Sexuality: Did some experimenting when he was younger, but orients towards women.
Strengths and Weaknesses: Collier's got a great sense of humor, but not everyone always gets it, and he can be very patient and gentle when he feels the occasion calls for it, hence why he frequently gets stuck shepherding the rookies. He plays up the 'hulking brute' thing a lot of the time to get people to underestimate him, but sometimes he forgets to turn it off. While having a rock solid sense of right and wrong is what led him to his career as an auror, it means that sometimes he has trouble seeing the middle ground. Justice comes first, the law second, and empathy is kind of a distant third.
Habits/Quirks: Collier likes brightly patterned socks (and, sometimes, underwear). He picked up the habit of chewing on sunflower seeds when he quit smoking, and carries some around in his pocket which he pops in when he's under stress or thinking heavily.
Likes/Dislikes: Likes: pie of all sorts but especially cherry, closing a case, bubble baths. Dislikes: criminals, custard, clowns.
Occupation: Auror
Financial Status: His parents are rich, his older brother will be rich when they die, but he's definitely not. As a single guy, his salary is adequate for his needs, but not enough for any kind of lavish lifestyle.
Residence: He owns a small terrace house in Middlesbrough (North Yorkshire), since that's where he could afford to buy instead of lease. The fact that this is on the other side of the country from his family's estate is purely coincidental, and it's just a shame that some unknown person or persons have made apparation in the area unpleasant due to the location of the entry points.

History from student days at Hogwarts to the present time: While he played quidditch in school and enjoyed it, he wasn't passionate enough about it to pursue it professionally, especially since a bad knee injury meant that he'd never reach the upper echelons of the sport. Instead he enrolled in auror training the instant he got off the Hogwarts Express for the last time, having made sure he tailored his OWLs and NEWTs accordingly.
He's found his niche within the auror corps, although his opportunities for advancement are somewhat hampered by the fact that the Gryff types don't trust him because he was a Slytherin and a member of the Inquisitorial Squad, and the Slyth types don't trust him because he made no secret of his scorn for pureblood elitism and has been known to make comments like, "Voldemort lost. Get over it and stop whining. Things are how they are, so just live with it."

Collier's Puppet Master is Sharlene (mynuet)