Draco Abraxas Malfoy

Age: 25
Birthdate: June 5, 1980
Family background: Only child of loving parents, with a genealogy that stretches back beyond imagination. Draco's family is rich, and have been rich for long enough to be good at it.
House in School: Slytherin, of course.
Bloodline (and does it matter?): Pureblood, and it matters. Do you know where your ancestors were when Charlemagne was crowned? Draco does.
Political Views: Politics are tiresome, and can be dangerous. To Draco's mind, what the whole mess with Voldemort showed was that it's important never to become so attached to a political ideal that you lose sight of what actually matters.
Visual Representation: Justin Hartley
Description: Tall, with strong features thanks to good genes and a strong body thanks to a regular workout program which heavily features swimming and weight lifting. His mother eventually resigned herself to his relatively short haircut, which doesn't require plastering down in order to play quidditch without being blinded by his own hair.

Psychology and Personality
Sexuality: Draco is so straight you could use him as a level. The one upperclassman that wouldn't believe Draco when he said so and tried to force the issue of seduction ended up having to get new teeth fitted.
Strengths and Weaknesses: When he's not being blinded by hatred, Draco's shrewd and cunning and plans well to make things happen the way he wants them to. He takes his school days as an object lesson of why hatred is a waste of time. Although he doesn't value money for itself and spends profligately, he's a wizard at finances and makes vast sums of money in order to amuse himself, both by the earning and by successfully hiding it from the Ministry. His success tends to reinforce his natural arrogance, to the point where he's somewhat hobbled in social interactions. Having always been the pinnacle of every social strata, the adjustment to rating far below the likes of Potter rankled. He's vain, selfish, and thinks of himself first on almost every occasion.
Habits\Quirks: Tends to run his hands through his hair when he's thinking; keeps every broom he's ever owned in flyable condition, even the antiques; keeps one miniaturized broom on his person at all times in case of a need for a quick escape.
Likes\Dislikes: Draco plays quidditch professionally, but it's more for the fun of it than any need for acclaim or money. His real love is finding quirky things to invest in, which almost always increase his investment exponentially. Fascinated and repelled by fire, Draco is determined to conquer his deep fear of it.
Occupation: Professional quidditch player and layabout socialite
Financial Status: So rich that money is essentially irrelevant – just a way of keeping score.
Residence: His permanent residence is Malfoy Manor, but he actually lives in the Malfoy town house, a six bedroom pied-à-terre used by Malfoy bachelors since it was built in the Georgian period.

History from student days at Hogwarts to the present time: Draco took his NEWTs by special arrangement, and stubbornly stayed in the country even when his parents went on a 'second honeymoon' while the political heat died down. The family retained enough influence that he never went to Azkaban, despite the Dark Mark seared into his arm. After a year of being visible but inconspicuous, Draco showed up for open tryouts for the Falmouth Falcons and won a spot on the team. Within two years, Draco was the starting Seeker and renowned for letting nothing distract him from the game.

Draco's Puppet Master is Sharlene (mynuet)