Eleanor Elizabeth Branstone

Age: 24
Birthdate: April 27, 1983
Family background: Tom and Helen Branstone are solidly upright citizens who raised three children in a small but tidy semi-detached home in a quiet Devonshire village. Eleanor is the middle of three children, with Tom Junior (T.J.) being older by three years and Jack younger by two years.
House in School: Hufflepuff
Bloodline (and does it matter?): Technically a halfblood. Her father is a muggleborn and her mother is pure but was raised by her muggleborn godparents.
Political Views: Largely indifferent. She hasn't inherited anything, so she doesn't have to pay the DPRES tax, and she's willing enough to go with her parents' staunch Tory principles.
Visual Representation: Michelle Monaghan
Description: Tall and slender, with dark brown hair and pale skin, Eleanor's usually described as the quintessential girl next door. Her eyes are greyish-green and she has a tendency to freckle at the slightest hint of sun.

Psychology and Personality
Sexuality: Has experimented, but expects when she settles down it'll be with someone who can get her pregnant
Strengths and Weaknesses: Knows where to look to find just about any information, but is easily distracted by new knowledge. She's never really had very much ambition, basically drifting through life in the hopes that answers about what she should do and be to just show up. It's made her easily adaptable, but she can also be passive.
Habits/Quirks: Makes all her own clothes with her mother's help. When bored at work, she wanders the stacks until she finds a book of a pre-specified color and then reads it, no matter what the subject matter.
Likes/Dislikes: Likes: Illustrations in old books, rugby, Sephora and Lush and other nifty smelling things. Dislikes: Athletic socks left all over the place, the smell of cheap lager, the scent of gardenias.
Occupation: Reference librarian at the British Library, one of five who can handle Reader Passes stamped with a W.
Financial Status: She can pay the rent, but only because she shares it with roommates. Constantly short on money, she cuts corners where she can.
Residence: A shared townhouse in Plumstead (London) - there's three boys who split a four bedroom house with her.

History from student days at Hogwarts to the present time: Eleanor was fairly quiet, frequently tagging along with her older brother and hanging out with his group of friends as often as she did with anyone her own age. Frightened and confused by the conflicting reports during the war, she was glad when her parents brought her home after she described to them what was going on at Hogwarts when the Carrows moved in. After the defeat of Voldemort, she went back to finish studying. Her parents wanted her to go to university, and her student job was at the library. That led her to drift into library science, which led to her job at the British Library.

Eleanor's Puppet Master is Sharlene (mynuet)