Geoffrey Bradley Hooper

Age: 28
Birthdate: February 13, 1978
Family background: His dad's a lawyer and his mama's an investment banker. Typical upper-middle class nuclear family; he had a succession of au pairs from his mother's native Spain until he was old enough to go to school. He was required to do chores and keep his grades up to earn his allowance, and had to come up with half the price of the car he got when he was old enough to drive. His mother died of breast cancer when he was 25.
House in School: Gryffindor
Bloodline (and does it matter?): Muggleborn. Thinks the aristocracy is an outdated relic, and is bemused that so many people in the wizard world seem to be clinging desperately to the Elizabethan Era.
Political Views: In terms of 'the real world,' he's a Tory who wishes Dame Maggie could come back and sort out the current mess. As for the wizard world, the Ministry pays him handsomely, so he's a Ministry man.
Visual Representation: Andres Velencoso
Description: Classically tall, dark and handsome, with chiseled features and a charming smile. He has his mother's name tattooed over his heart.

Psychology and Personality
Sexuality: Straight liek whoa.
Strengths and Weaknesses: He's got a phenomenal memory, which came in very handy in law school. He's not very idealistic, but it's just as well, as if he truly believes in a cause, he'll throw himself wholeheartedly into supporting it, even if it means people find him annoying because he won't shut up about it. Sometimes has trouble finding the correct demarcation between 'flexible' and 'shifty.'
Habits/Quirks: Speaks Spanish but barely knows any curse words because his mother never used that sort of language.
Likes/Dislikes: Likes fast cars, but hasn't had time to tinker with them for quite a few years. Drinks scotch, wine, or martinis when in public, but prefers daiquiris when no one will judge his relative manliness accordingingly. Really, really, seriously hates snakes. (The reptiles, not the Slytherins.)
Occupation: Solicitor for DPRES
Financial Status: He has a small trust from his mother's life insurance, but he'll point out snootily that, unlike the toffs who complain about the DPRES tax, he earns his money.
Residence: Two-bedroom flat in Docklands.

History from student days at Hogwarts to the present time: While at Hogwarts, he spent the summers taking accelerated classes so he would have muggle credentials as well. While the war raged in the wizard world, Geoff was going to King's College London School of Law, graduating in 1999. He then did his two years apprenticeship with a private firm in the City, moonlighting with the Ministry under a cooperative program, culminating in joining the Ministry staff in 2001 with some seniority and a salary conmensurate with his ability to navigate both muggle and wizard law. DPRES offered the best opportunity for rapid advancement and so he transferred to that department in 2002, where he's been since.

Geoff's Puppet Master is Sharlene (mynuet)