Malcolm Aurelius Baddock

Age: 23
Birthdate: August 16, 1982
Family background: Malcolm's family is solidly middle class and are respectable members of both muggle and wizarding communities. His parents own a fish and chips shop in Paisley, Scotland, which serves muggles mainly on the premises, and a wide base of owl-delivery customers. He has two older sisters, Elizabeth Livia and Mary Antonia, who married local boys and settled near his parents and help out in the shop when it gets busy. Malcolm got teased a lot as a kid, but eventually it stopped as he earned a reputation as a dirty fighter that you didn't want to cross, thanks mostly in part to his older brother, Daniel Augustus, who taught him how to fight. When Malcolm was nine and Daniel was ten, Daniel was injured in front of muggles. Due to the Statute of Secrecy, which meant they then couldn't spirit him away to wizard healers, he was taken to a muggle hospital. By the time his parents managed to get Daniel transferred to St. Mungo's, there was permanent damage, unfixable by magic.
House in School: Slytherin.
Bloodline (and does it matter?): Pureblood, but with recent muggle ancestry (one grandmother). - That should be his paternal grandfather.
Political Views: To Malcolm, idealism is a mug's game for those that can afford it. He was a Death Eater because it was expedient and profitable, not because he wanted to join the glorious cause. While he thinks muggles are a less evolved form of life, he doesn't think anything actually needs to be done about them - unless he's being paid to care.
Visual Representation: Paolo Nutini
Description: Malcolm's mother despairs of him ever managing to keep any weight on his thin frame, and of him ever remembering to cut his hair. When he was a kid, he was teased about how his big lips and wide eyes made him look like the wooden fish that hung over the door to his parents' fish and chips shop, but he's never much cared about his own looks. He can seem like a complete nonentity and often chooses to do so, but when the force of his personality shines through, it's hard to ignore him.

Psychology and Personality
Sexuality: Malcolm likes girls. They're softer and smell better than boys. He's not the type to go in for grand declarations, commitment, or even necessarily feeling a deep attachment. He knows how to love and to be loyal - he's still close to his family - but he thinks passion is for suckers, and Romeo and Juliet is a comedy.
Strengths and Weaknesses: Malcolm is inventive, analytical, disciplined, and flexible. He's also a perfectionist, cynical, and occasionally cocky.
Habits\Quirks: He smokes, but mostly when he's drinking. Drinks most of the time he's not working or at home with his family. Likes to watch movies from the 1940s and older Disney flicks. Hums constantly.
Likes\Dislikes: Malcolm likes new shoes, autumn, blues. He dislikes running the fryer, 99% of humanity, murder mysteries with obvious villains and/or plot holes.
Occupation: Malcolm's day job is working for the Ministry in a minor clerical position in the Department of Transportation, approving and arranging Portkey requests. In order to afford his brother's continuing care and provide for the future, Malcolm has a second job, part time, as a contract killer. Malcolm knows well the value of human life, down to the penny, and so only works for those who can pay extremely well.
Financial Status: Malcolm lives frugally, solely on his earnings from his day job. The money from his sideline is well laundered and goes straight to a trust that administers his brother's care, including research into potential cures, and into a retirement fund.
Residence: London.

History from student days at Hogwarts to the present time: Malcolm first started experimenting with secret ways to hurt people early on, as part of the aforementioned dirty fighting. Skinny and always outnumbered, he had to be smart, and keep several tricks up his sleeve. His interest in poisons grew from Snape's introductory speech to the first year potions students. While still at Hogwarts, Malcolm started out by selling some of the potions and spells he'd tinkered with. Eventually, those who needed to know where to find a leveller knew to look for him.
His first contract killing was the father of Orla, a girl in his year who'd become his best friend. It was his fourth year; she took his virginity and gave him her mother's jewelry in exchange for him killing her father when she noticed he was looking at her little sister the way he'd looked at her. She wasn't about to let him do to her sister what he'd done to her.
Unbeknownst to Malcolm, the man was a Death Eater and was being watched by Lucius. He saw Malcolm go in, accomplish the kill, then arrange the scene to make it forensically correct for a determination of accidental death. He was amused and impressed with the boy's audacity and natural talent, gave Malcolm some pointers, and recruited Malcolm into the Death Eaters.
He doesn't particularly enjoy killing, and he doesn't do it for kicks or idealism. It's just something he's good at, that makes good money. He doesn't see it as that different from being a soldier or an auror, and views it as being fundamentally more honest than being an Unspeakable.
Seeing his brother permanently injured in both mind and body, and then dragged to countless specialists in between stays at the Thickey ward, made Malcolm burn to be able to take his brother away from all of it. Once he started earning a living, he moved Daniel to a nicer home, with a devoted full-time caretaker. His parents think they are paying for it, but Malcolm makes up the difference each month--which is a considerable amount.

Malcolm's Puppet Master is Sharlene (mynuet)