Orla Perrine Quirke

Age: 23
Birthdate: June 9, 1983
Family background: Her mom is Welsh, which is where her coloring comes from, while her dad was as Irish as Irish can be. He died when Orla was eight, but she clings to his memory fiercely, and often tells her younger sister, Carys, about what he was like. Carys is seven years younger than Orla, and Orla is fiercely protective of her. Her mother remarried soon after, this time to a properly pureblooded man that her family approved of.
House in School: Ravenclaw
Bloodline (and does it matter?): Halfblood. Pure mom, muggleborn dad. Pure stepfather.
Political Views: It doesn't matter who is in power now; they're all crooks.
Visual Representation: America Ferrera
Description: 5'4", 130 lbs, curvy, tanned skin.

Psychology and Personality
Sexuality: Orla doesn't have sex, but the gender she's not having sex with is male. It's never quite occurred to her that females are even an option.
Strengths and Weaknesses: Strengths: Analytical, brilliant with numbers and how to fudge them, absolutely will find a way towards her set goal no matter what. Weaknesses: Abrupt with people, impatient with what she perceives as stupidity, tends strongly to be stubborn and unyielding even when it's destructive.
Habits\Quirks: Frequently has a pencil stuck in her hair, multiplies when she's nervous, automatically covers just about every mood with a smile.
Likes\Dislikes: Likes: Logic. Mexican food. Certain people. Dislikes: Stupidity. Pizza. Humanity in general.
Occupation: Muggle and Wizarding accountant in London.
Financial Status: Middle class. She'd be richer, but she funnels a lot of her ill-gotten gains to a shell company which pays her mother an outrageously high salary.
Residence: A flat in London.

History from student days at Hogwarts to the present time: The properly pureblooded man her mother married, whose name Orla won't allow spoken around her, terrorized her mother and molested Orla for years. When she found out that he was starting to groom Carys for the same, she made a decision and arranged for his execution. She paid for it with the few pieces of good jewelry her mother had managed to hang on to over the years of steadily diminishing income and social status, and a barter which she doesn't exactly regret.
Since she got him into the whole Death Eater mess, Orla was determined that Malcolm shouldn't suffer for it, and the two became even closer as they developed complementary and symbiotic skills. Where he has nerves of steel and a strong capacity for compartmentalizing, she has cool logic and phenomenal organizational abilities. For all that she hates actually dealing with the majority of the human race, she has a knack for making people like her and want to protect her - an ability she exploits ruthlessly.
After leaving Hogwarts, Orla took a course in accountancy, and served an apprenticeship at Gringott's. Once she'd built up a network of connections, both below and above board, she set up on her own as a general accountant/financial manager/woman of affairs. She handles the research and money laundering for Malcolm's side business, as well as for a highly select group of clients.

Orla's Puppet Master is Sharlene (mynuet)