Severus Septimius Snape

Age: 45
Birthdate: January 9, 1960
Family background: Severus still owns his mother's ancestral home on Spinner's End, where both of his parents are buried, right next to each other. Severus thought this was appropriate, given the obsessive love his mother had for his cruel and abusive father – just like he thought it was appropriate that they wouldn't be in the family plot, but rather on the farthest edge of the property. An only child of only children, Snape has been alone in the world since he turned sixteen, when his mother killed his father and then herself after she found out he intended to leave her.
House in School: The Slytherniest Slytherin to ever Slyther.
Bloodline (and does it matter?): It mattered deeply once, but he has trouble remembering why. He still believes the wizarding world is superior to the muggle one, but under Dumbledore came to the conclusion that, as long as muggleborns integrated themselves into wizard society, there was nothing actually wrong with them.
Political Views: The Ministry is staffed with madmen, and Harry Potter is spitting on Dumbledore's memory with his pureblood witch hunt. All Snape wants to do is keep his head down and get on with his life, as he considers himself too old to deal with the extremes that both sides indulge in.
Visual Representation: Trent Reznor
Description: No longer as stringy as he was in his youth, Severus is comfortable in his middle-aged body. He might be sallow and greasy and dark, but his attempts to change that always failed and so now he just accepts them as the price of pursuing his profession.

Psychology and Personality
Sexuality: Severus would never put it in these terms, and might not know all of this on a conscious level, Snape has a deeply romantic streak which makes him almost asexual. When Lily took up with Potter and ditched Sev like a bad habit, he got drunk and lost his virginity, then slept with anyone who was available. The one time he started having sex with a man he found he was decidedly straight, but meaningless sex with women still left him feeling empty and unfulfilled.
What he craves is love, but deep down he doesn't know if he's capable or worthy of receiving it, and being rejected by Lily just confirmed that. He rarely even attempts to date. When he feels a physical need that he can't just handle himself, he has a long-standing arrangement with a discreet and sophisticated professional, just about his own age, for affectionate sex with no strings attached other than payment.
Strengths and Weaknesses: Snape has a brilliant mind, but a spiky personality. He's always valued intellectual pursuits over interpersonal skills; while he's cunning, there's no one who would consider him charming.
Habits\Quirks: Refuses absolutely to part with wizard-style clothes, part of his general bent towards the old-fashioned. A curmudgeon from the time he was old enough to snark at people, which hides what he considers an inner soppiness. He'll rescue wounded birds, but make comments about using it for potion ingredients while doing so.
Likes\Dislikes: Likes: Potions, tranquility, books Dislikes: Potters, disruptions, incompetence
Occupation: Independent Potions Master. The bulk of his income is from the Madame Prince line of beauty potions, including a four-hour weight control potion (Be the size you want to be!) which has a two year waiting list to buy. His involvement in the operation is top secret, and the face of the operation is the professional friend mentioned in the sexuality section, who now only has to take what clients she desires. Most of his time is devoted to research, and whether it's out of a desire to help the world or gain fame and fortune and the love of millions is up to the observer.
Financial Status: All of the Madame Prince money is safely hidden, and Snape's inheritance was mostly limited to the house. While he can't avoid the appearance of being comfortable in his finances, no one on earth knows just how much money he has hidden away. It's not a Malfoy-sized fortune yet, but it's getting there.
Residence: Spinner's End, a spacious but ill-maintained manor house in northern England.

History from student days at Hogwarts to the present time: Death Eater, Teacher, Spy, Hero. The first thing Snape did after waking up from being killed by Voldemort was to curse himself for having invented a potion that saved his life but left him in agonizing pain. He managed to crawl to a hiding place, where he rested and used potions to help offset the terrible damage done to his system. After demanding the return of his memories from the young Potter, Severus took himself off into hiding, where he remained for about a year under the care of his professional friend. At the end, still weak but mostly recovered due to a strict regime of physical therapy along with potions work, Snape returned to Spinner's End and buried himself in research.

Snape's Puppet Master is Sharlene (mynuet)