Tamsin Melwyn Applebee

Age: 23
Birthdate: May 29, 1982
Family background: Only child of fiercely protective parents, Tamsin comes from an old Cornish family that still has the apple orchards tended lovingly by their ancestors.
House in School: Hufflepuff
Bloodline (and does it matter?): Pureblood - she doesn't think much about it one way or another, although she knows her parents would be unhappy if she eventually settled down with anyone not a pureblood.
Political Views: Largely indifferent. Her father fought in the first Voldemort War, so they're exempt from the DPRES tax.
Visual Representation: Marimoon
Description: Tamsin changes her hair on a whim, red to blue to pink to any shade in between - her natural color is probably brownish-blonde, but it's hard to remember. Her eyes are a mossy green and her skin is pale but not excessively so. She rarely takes out the ring in the middle of her lower lip, and her dress sense tends towards bright colors, stripes, lacing, and boots or high-tops. She doesn't particularly think of herself as fitting any particular style - she just wears what she thinks looks good.

Psychology and Personality
Sexuality: Straight but not always.
Strengths and Weaknesses: Tamsin has a knack for making people comfortable with her, mostly because she's insatiably curious and genuinely interested in what people have to say. She tends to be a little naive, and has been taken advantage of more than once through believing what she was told.
Habits/Quirks: Dyes her eyebrows as well as her hair, because her mother said it looked less unnatural that way. Has a bit of an oral fixation and loves sweets with a passion.
Likes/Dislikes: Likes: strong colors, loud music, wearing apple blossoms in her hair. Dislikes: being bored, harpsichords, her natural haircolor.
Occupation: Bartender at Sláinte in Belfast
Financial Status: Lives on her paycheck and tips, with occasional help from her parents.
Residence: A tiny seaside flat in St. Leonard's-on-Sea; she throws a rent party monthly to cover part of the cost of the flat, and has a tiny patio which doubles as a guest room with just a few timely spells.

History from student days at Hogwarts to the present time: Only child of fiercely protective parents, Tamsin went to Hogwarts for all of two years, before Cedric Diggory died and her parents yanked her back home. Taught at home before and after, Tamsin was mostly isolated from the world until she left home to see the world as soon as she'd passed her NEWTs. All the time spent alone led her to love finding out everything she can about people and places and things she'd never experienced. While she can be content in her own company and sometimes craves solitude, most of the time Tamsin enjoys being the life of the party - and there's a party wherever she goes. She picked up the bartending job by accident, but it's a good fit - there's always new people to talk to, and a party waiting to break out.

Tamsin's Puppet Master is Sharlene (mynuet)