Alicia Laurel Spinnet

Age: 28
Birthdate: May 7, 1978
Family background: An only child, she was the pride and joy of her mother, who was a stay at home mom. Her dad was in the military, so they moved around a lot when she was little. Her parents were each only children, and so she grew up in what could have been a stuffy environment. To the contrary, she was indulged with lots of horseplay and roughhousing, and was encouraged to play sports. When her mother started teaching yoga, Alicia picked that up with great joy.
House in School: Gryffindor
Bloodline (and does it matter?): Half-blood. Her mother is a witch, and her father is a Muggle. It doesn't matter much to her, because she'd rather just live her life. She doesn't have time for pettiness about blood when it's your choices who make who you are, really.
Political Views: As long as there's no madman on the loose, trying to impose world domination, she is pretty nonchalant about politics. In the "I don't care, I only vote if there's something I'm passionate about on the line." kind of way.
Visual Representation: Drew Barrymore
Description: Green eyes, blonde or brown hair... she charms it to suit her mood, but it's generally blonde. She wears her hair long, and wavy, tying it back when she's on the pitch. She loves wearing denims and tees, but doesn't mind getting a bit more gussied up, if there's a good enough reason. (Like, "It's Tuesday".) She's lean, more because she is an athlete than because she watches what she eats.

Psychology and Personality
Sexuality: She's straight. When visiting India she met a girl who was interested in her, and while she was flattered, she'd turned down the offer to snog 'just to see'. She's never found herself attracted to a woman, whereas she has been attracted to men. She didn't really date at Hogwarts, although she went to the Yule Ball with a guy a year older than her, one of Oliver's friends.
Strengths and Weaknesses: She's very easy going, and doesn't get her feathers ruffled easily. It helps her deal with bad reviews of her Quidditch playing. At the same time, she's seen as slightly un-compassionate, because she feels everyone should be able to do the same. So she doesn't have very many close friends.
Habits\Quirks: Every morning she wakes up at six am and does yoga for an hour. Then she makes coffee and reads the standings of the Quidditch league. She loves to cook Indian dishes or her friends.
Likes\Dislikes: Likes learning about cultures, loves Quidditch. Likes kids. Dislikes whining, self-entitlement complexes. Dislikes red meat.
Occupation: Chaser for the Falmouth Falcons, Volunteer with "Quidditch for Unity".
Financial Status: Comfortable. Lives well within her means.
Residence: 72 Ash Street, Flat B.

History from student days at Hogwarts to the present time: A year abroad, back in India, she missed the Battle of Hogwarts. When she heard of the news, she returned home. She managed to gain a spot on the Falcons, and helped with reconstruction and clean-up during any off time she had. Now that the League is more fully back on track, she has been spending time helping out with Hogwarts' Quidditch teams on her off time. She and fifteen other people from the League had volunteered for a new program that was an attempt to promote unity by matching Professional Quidditch players with House teams that were not their alumni. The Houses are still as competitive ever, but Alicia (who was assigned to Slytherin's team) enjoys it so much that she is one of four who have kept it up.

Alicia's Puppet Master is Nicole (nbbaeker)