George Weasley

Age: 27
Birthdate: April 1, 1978
Family background: Fifth son of Molly (nee Prewett) and Arthur Weasley, twin to Fred. Molly and Arthur were good, wholesome people, with a lot of love for their kids. They tried to pass it on, and George thinks it worked, as he still loves all of his family. It was a noisy life (especially once he and Fred began inventing) but to always be surrounded by loved ones, no matter how dilapidated their little house was, well it was pretty good, in George's opinion.
House in School: Gryffindor
Bloodline (and does it matter?): Pure. Who gives a rat's arse any more. We all bleed the same colour, that much should have been obvious after the war.
Political Views: He's bloody well sick of people and their politics. All he wants is to run his business, make people happy and maybe have a little happiness himself. Doesn't that seem reasonable for everyone?
Visual Representation: Zach Ward
Description: George never quite hit that six foot mark. In fact, he stayed a good three inches below that mark, making him, by height at least, incredibly average. He is slightly stocky in build, which made him a good Beater when playing Quidditch. With hazel eyes and an easy smile, George has never been too easy to notice on looks alone, minus the red hair and freckles of course. His hands are often tinged with different colours from experiments, and on more than one occasion he's had to go 'round without eyebrows. Add to this the fact that there's a dark spot where his left ear used to be, and he's a fun sort of person to look at.

Psychology and Personality
Sexuality: He likes what he likes. And he likes women. Hasn't entertained too many since Fred's death.
Strengths and Weaknesses: George is innovative, imaginative, friendly, loyal. On the other hand, he still feels like he's missing half of himself, he needs a lot of affirmation before actually putting out a new product. He second-guesses himself a lot.
Habits\Quirks: George tugs on his right ear, a subconscious checking to make sure it's still there. He has a journal in which he writes to Fred, sharing jokes, ideas, and thoughts. George is also a neat-freak. He is always cleaning up his house. Sometimes only speaks in half sentences, expecting Fred to finish it so people understand him.
Likes\Dislikes: Likes: Laughter, people being around him, good food, children, Quidditch. Dislikes: a messy house, shopping, being alone for too long.
Occupation: Entrepreneur, co-founder of Weasley's Wizarding Wheezes.
Financial Status: Pays the bills, has a bit to set aside for savings. Middle Class, he'd say.
Residence: St Cloud Road, London, SE27 He couldn't bring himself to continue living in the flat above the shop, though he still has a bed there for late nights.

History from student days at Hogwarts to the present time: George and Fred had left school with a splash, (yes, that's a swamp pun) and immediately rented space in Diagon Alley. Their business was booming until Voldemort began to take over the government. The store was closed, the stock confiscated, and the twins went into hiding as best they could, trying to keep spirits up by way of Potterwatch, the Wireless program they ran with Lee.
The worst day of George's life came when Harry, Hermione and Ron returned to Hogwarts and started that final battle. The tales have worn down now in most people's minds, but George can remember only two things about that night. Percy making Fred laugh right before Fred was crushed by falling debris, and his mother almost being taken as well.
He didn't eat for a week. Somehow he had owled Alicia and she'd returned to England as soon as she could, finding him in his flat, surrounded by bottles. She'd made him soup and they'd sat together and cried.
He left the flat above the shop and found a little house on St Cloud Road. It wasn't fancy, but it was his. There were no memories of Fred there. His business was flourishing, and his family was all together, with new additions. But there was still no Fred. He began retreating from everyone, and stopped inventing, sinking into a deep depression.
Eventually his family and friends convinced him to see a Head healer, and he's been seeing her since. After beginning therapy, he bought a pensieve, and began putting memories of his twin in it. Every night before he goes to sleep, he visits a couple of the memories. He still misses his twin desperately, but he can function, moving beyond the grey shadow of depression, though it would be all too easy to fall back into it. He still has trouble with the idea of moving on, or forgetting his twin. He has been inventing again, though, with the help of using his notebook (the Head Healer's suggestion) to bounce ideas off Fred.
Every week, George visits his parents, and every month he goes to Fred's grave. He has been feeling lighter more recently, and loves interacting with the children who come into his shop. He's almost as bad as his mother for wanting some children in the family.

George's Puppet Master is Nicole (nbaeker)