Harry James Potter

Age: 25
Birthdate: July 31, 1980
Family background: James Potter - Pureblood, Lily Potter - Muggle-born witch. Parents were killed by Voldemort when he was one, and he grew up with his Muggle Aunt and Uncle. Harry is an only child.
House in School: Gryffindor
Bloodline (and does it matter?): He considers himself Half-blood, because his mother was Muggle-born.
Political Views: I don't want to see a Pureblood elite, but innocent people shouldn't ever pay for crimes of the wicked. I wish politics would leave me out of it. I've been an unwilling political point for years. I just want to be, is that so much to ask?
Visual Representation: Adam Brody
Description: Harry is lean, almost gangly. He's a fairly average height at 5'11. His hair is still black, though slightly less messy. He got rid of his glasses, switching to contacts. His eyes are green, and he has a small scar on his forehead. There's also a scar on the back of his hand, which looks like a messy scrawl. He is fit, but not overly muscular.

Psychology and Personality
Sexuality: Harry is definitely straight. He happens to think he's got the most beautiful witch in the world that loves him, and while he and Hermione are waiting for the right time to have sex, there's still no one he'd rather be with.
Strengths and Weaknesses: Harry is very determined. He wants life to be fair, and is dedicated to making it be so. On the otherhand, he can be prejudiced, because everything is black and white with him. Subtlety? Not really a part of him.
Habits\Quirks: His right hand twitches funny when he sees pink or smells a certain type of floral perfume. Every morning when he wakes up, he reads the Obituaries of the Daily Prophet. Then he and Hermione have coffee.
Likes\Dislikes: He likes Quidditch. If there's one regret he has, it's not trying out for that rather than going for Auror. Loves the thrill of the chase when it comes to apprehending "bad guys". Dislikes rudeness. Likes movies.
Occupation: Currently unemployed
Financial Status: Rich, though he doesn't flaunt that too much. He received a large inheritance from the Potter family as well as from Sirius Black, but he's kind of embarrassed about it, really.
Residence: Number 12 Grimmauld Place.

History from student days at Hogwarts to the present time: Everyone knows the story of how Harry didn't return to school for his seventh year. After the defining Battle of Hogwarts, he was fast-tracked into the Auror program. While studying and training he asked his long-time girlfriend, Ginny Weasley, to move in with him. Upon graduating at age 21, he was appointed Head of a new Task Force, the Department of Post-War Restitutions and Economic Stimulus. He was a strong leader and didn't make many friends for his work with DPRES. Upon realizing that DPRES had eaten his life, cost him his girlfriend (Ginny), and wasn't doing its job correctly anyhow, Harry set out to right some of the wrongs he'd been responsible for. He was pulled aside and told to mind his place and immediately quit.
He's been dating Hermione Granger for months and is beginning to wonder if he shouldn't ask her to marry him soon. He's got to talk to her dad, however. And find a new job.

Harry's Puppet Master is Nicole (nbbaeker)