Kevin Entwhistle

Age: 26
Birthdate: March 4, 1980
Family background: Born to Muggle parents, Janine and Michael Entwhistle, Kevin grew up in the suburbs. He has a younger brother, Stephen, and two sisters, Elly and Sarah, both of whom are older. He is the only one that is magical, and at first it was hard to reconcile that fact with his family life -- the reactions ranged from excitement to blackmail to terror. That has long since been resolved, however, and he and his family are as close as they were when he was growing up.
House in School: Ravenclaw
Bloodline (and does it matter?): Muggleborn. It only matters outside the lab, which doesn't matter to me.
Political Views: "Liberal Democrat -- Oh. You mean in the wizarding world, I suppose. Well, I must admit I'm not all that interested in politics there -- so long as no one is trying to kill me, that is."
Visual Representation: Jim Parsons
Description: Tall, lean, and a touch on the gangly side, Kevin has been described by his sisters as "the quintessential geek". His long fingers often have ink stains and oil stains from his writing and his work with small mechanical engines, which he tinkers with when he's not playing with electronics. He wears only Muggle clothing, as he is uncomfortable in robes where he can't push the sleeves up to work. He has blue eyes and has been told he has a nice smile. (When his smile is forced, however, he's been known to make small children cry.)

Psychology and Personality
Sexuality: Straight with a leaning towards asexuality. That is to say, Kevin isn't much interested in sex for sex's sake, but if he were to see someone in a more romantic light, it would be a woman.
Strengths and Weaknesses: Kevin is ridiculously smart, though his grades at school didn't always reflect this. He often finds himself distracted by new ideas and innovations, and can have difficulty focusing upon a mandated project because of this.
Habits/Quirks: Has whiteboards all around his flat, filled with equations. His flat is full of gadgets and texts on both magical theory and upon Muggle technology. He gets a twitch in his right eye if he's flustered.
Likes/Dislikes: Likes: Take out, tea, a well executed experiment, neat notes, tinkering with electronics and mechanics. Dislikes: Doctors' handwriting, poorly thought out hypotheses (especially if they're his own), loud noises.
Occupation: Inventor, Ph. D in Engineering.
Financial Status: Moderate
Residence: 12B Park Road, Hampton Wick, London

History from student days at Hogwarts to the present time: Upon being refused entrance back into Hogwarts in his final year, Kevin enrolled immediately in Muggle university, gaining his undergraduate degree in electrical engineering and promptly beginning his doctorate studies in the same.
Always having been fascinated by the reaction of electronics in close proximity to magic, he began conducting experiments on a television, finally finding a way to have it work via magic. Emboldened by his success, and with an offer on the table for well funded experimentation, he has spent the past year finding a more universal method to provide electricity via magic.
He has managed to create batteries that can work in small appliances, and can specifically install larger appliances into predominately magical homes if he is able to do it on a case by case basis. That brings him into contact with far more people than he'd like, however, and so he has been attempting to find a more universal method.

Kevin's Puppet Master is Nicole (nbaeker)