Amandine Brocklehurst

Age: 26
Birthdate: April 23, 1980
Family background: Born to an British father, Robert Brocklehurst, and French Mother, Martine Roux, Mandy was well versed in the art of balancing two worlds long before her letter from Hogwarts came. It was a shock but not impossible for her parents to comprehend that their daughter, whom they'd previously thought was merely gifted, was actually magical. They were a touch reluctant to send her away for so much of her schooling, but after much debate they allowed her to go on. She has two non-magical siblings; older brother Pierre, who is thirty and married to a woman named Angela and younger sister Cosette who is twenty one and going to college in the United States.
House in School: Ravenclaw, but she did not finish her schooling at Hogwarts.
Bloodline (and does it matter?): Muggleborn; after she was not allowed back to school during her seventh year, Mandy learned the hardest way possible, (for her) that yes, bloodlines do, in fact, matter.
Political Views: "DPRES, while logically not the most efficient (or even worthwhile) methods of attempting to right wrongs, has at least attempted to address the imbalance that was so strong when I first became a part of the Wizarding World. To be denied education ... I cannot express the loss I felt from that."
Visual Representation: Kaley Cuoco
Description: Amandine is rather average in both height and build; she's not skinny enough to model, but she's not flabby either. She goes to hip hop dance classes once a week to make sure of that. Her eyes have been described by one particularly poetic lover as aquamarine, but she'd say they're 'green'. She's rather fond of her breast size - big enough to show off now and then, but not so big that she's been stopped and asked if they're real. She has blond hair that's just beyond her shoulders and generally straight (curling charms are a strong tool in her arsenal) and a very expressive face.

Psychology and Personality
Sexuality:Straight. She's been curious, of course, but when it comes to it, she just prefers men. Unless they're being jerks and she swears them off. (It's been known to happen)
Strengths and Weaknesses: Strengths: She's incredibly gifted with languages. She's a bit impetuous, takes risks, isn't afraid to jump in with both feet, and when she starts a task, she'll stick with it. She's also a fairly dab hand at jinxes and charms. Weaknesses: She's a bit too impetuous. She has, upon occasion, bitten off more than she can chew.
Habits/Quirks: Every day, Amandine reads the comic sections of the London daily papers and translates them to each language she knows as quickly as possible in an attempt to stay sharp. She drums her fingers on the table in time to the syllables that run through her head while she translates, emphasizing the beats with stronger syllables. Every batch of biscuits she makes, she burns the first pan - every batch.
Likes/Dislikes: Likes: Language, reading, brand new notebooks and pens, chai tea, fresh baked biscuits, fish and chips. Dislikes: Paying her electricity bill (surely there's better uses for money?), quills that run out of ink, chocolate.
Occupation: Translator for the British Ministry of Magic, specializing in German, French, Arabic, Italian, Turkish, and Spanish.
Financial Status: Moderate
Residence: Holland Villas Road, West Kensington, London

History from student days at Hogwarts to the present time: After the letter came that she would be forced to sit an examination to go back to school, Mandy and her parents decided that the risk was not worth sending her back. She'd kept them well-informed of Harry Potter's outrageous rumours, as shocked as anyone when it appeared that he was correct. Instead, she enrolled in a Muggle college, taking language courses and quickly excelling.
It was only a year later, at 18, that she moved on to Oxford. There she studied European and Middle Eastern Languages, thanks largely to a generous scholarship she'd been awarded. As part of her undergraduate work she spent a year in Turkey, immersing herself in the language. Living at home and working double time, (with a few breaks to visit with her friends from school), she managed to complete her DPhil in three years, studying and researching intensively in Turkish, having fallen in love with the culture.
Upon graduating at the age of 25, she applied to the Ministry of Magic as a translator, finding herself hired almost immediately. Her income is modest, but it was enough for her to finally move into a small flat of her own.
As far as relationships - who's had the time? There were two particularly delightful encounters with a couple of old classmates from Hogwarts, but beyond that, she hasn't been actively looking for anything more.

Mandy's Puppet Master is Nicole (nbaeker)