Seamus Breandan Finnegan

Age: 24
Birthdate: 12 July 1980
Family background: Only child of Marilynn and Thomas Finnegan. Marilynn was a Witch, while her husband was a Muggle. Marilynn didn't bother informing her husband of her Magical heritage until Seamus had been born, and only after the boy had levitated a plate of food to himself at six months old. During the war, Seamus' family basically hid out in the Muggle world, although Seamus insisted on returning to Hogwarts. They mostly tried to stay out of the whole debacle when rumours first began about Voldemort's return, but Seamus soon joined the DA and found that he believed Harry.
House in School: Gryffindor
Bloodline (and does it matter?): Half-blood
Political Views: The DPRES has it about right. If the taxes and Taboos help keep people from spreading the hate that Voldemort did, I'm all for it.
Visual Representation: Orlando Bloom
Description: Seamus stands at 5 foot 11 and weighs around 10 stone 8 lbs. His hair has darkened by a few shades every year since he began at Hogwarts, and is now a very dark brown, he also wears it a little longer than he did at school. He generally wears Muggle clothing, wristwatches included. He follows the latest trends in Muggle fashion. He has largely lost his accent, due to working in the Theatre, but he retains a slight lilt that women tell him is "charming".

Psychology and Personality
Sexuality: Straight as the proverbial arrow.
Strengths and Weaknesses: He is very passionate about his work, and is exceptionally fast at memorizing his lines. However, Seamus has himself one heck of a temper, and it has gotten him into a few scraps.
Habits\Quirks: Seamus has been known to speak only in character when he first gets a new role. Once he is comfortable in the role (generally only a day or two), he goes back to being himself, but it can be odd to speak to him when he first gets cast.
Likes\Dislikes: Likes beer, women and being on stage. Not necessarily in that order. Has a fondness for football and Quidditch. Dislikes bad reviews, getting drunk (he'll drink, but not to excess), and taking potions for anything.
Occupation: Actor. He's the best known actor currently on the stage at The Euripides Theatre, and he has worked hard to get to that standing.
Financial Status: Y'know that whole starving artist thing? Yeah, that doesn't so much apply here. If you take advantage of endorsements, you can really do well.
Residence: Aldford House, Park Street, Mayfair, London.

History from student days at Hogwarts to the present time: After the Battle of Hogwarts, Seamus managed to find a mate of his who was in severe pain. While they waited for help to arrive, Seamus attempted to distract his mate from the pain by doing impressions. Upon seeing the success of his attempts at distraction, he decided that that was what he wanted to do with his life, distract people from the pain in theirs. He went straight to the Euripides Theatre (owned by none other than Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy) and was cast in a supporting role almost immediately. He quickly worked his way to lead roles and is now part of many advertising campaigns as well as full-time work at the theatre. He enjoys his work, and enjoys his status as one of Witch Weekly's 'Most Eligible Bachelors'.

Seamus' Puppet Master is Nicole (nbaeker)