Theodore Everitt Nott

Age: 25
Birthdate: August 25, 1980
Family background: Theodore's father was an older man when he became a father, and as such had little of either energy or patience for his son. Many hours were spent drilling information into Theodore's head, and the young man learned quickly to rattle off answers and not go much farther.
Despite this tedium, Theodore was very clever and especially liked Ancient Runes. He discovered a book on them in his father's library and would spend hours tracing his fingers over the symbols, revelling in the magic he would feel pulsing through them.
When Theodore was four years old, his mother got pregnant again. Unfortunately, when she went into labour nearly four months early, Theodore was the only one around to see her birth an already dead baby girl, and despite his best attempts to call someone, anyone, his mother died as well.
His father withdrew more and more into himself, and Theo moved into a routine of solitude. By the time he entered Hogwarts it was normal to be alone, and Theodore did little to attempt to make friends. Very clever, he excelled in most of his classes, but most especially Ancient Runes and oddly enough, Transfiguration.
House in School: Slytherin
Bloodline (and does it matter?): "Pure. Less than it did to my father, but everyone must have some scruples, no?"
Political Views: "Ask me no questions, I'll tell you no lies." That aside, he's never been overly fond of Harry Potter, nor of the Ministry. He does what is asked, but no more.
Visual Representation: Jared Padalecki
Description: While still a bit on the lean side, Theodore is no longer considered 'weedy'. He wears his brown hair a bit long, mostly to annoy his father, who still likes to harangue about any and all of Theodore's failings. Bit rich, coming from someone imprisoned in Azkaban for life, Theodore thinks.
He is tall, and his shoulders are broad. He's been told that he is 'pretty' on more than one occasion, sometimes by men, sometimes by women. The men who say it with insult generally find themselves on their arses pretty quickly.
His eyes are best described as brown and mysterious. He doesn't show a lot of emotion through them, but then again, he doesn't show much emotion at all if he can help it. Unfortunately, he has a nasty temper, with a 'hex first, find out if they meant offense later' sort of attitude. He has long, slender hands, and wears a single ring on his right hand pinky. No one knows where it came from or why he wears it.

Psychology and Personality
Sexuality: "I like women, thanks. I like the way my name sounds when they yell it in the middle of their orgasm. Just not quite the same coming from a bloke."
edit: the writer has apparently neglected to add, "Yes, I do know."
Strengths and Weaknesses: Dreadfully clever, Theodore was very close to the top of his year in Hogwarts. He actually beat Hermione's score on the NEWT level of Ancient Runes. However, he tends to get very, very caught up in his research of Ancient Magic. He likes to use it as an excuse to avoid going out and interacting with other people, even those he considers to be friends.
Also, he tends to be a little trigger happy with his magic. At Hogwarts he once hexed Seamus Finnegan for interrupting him, only to find out that the bloke had been sent with a message from Snape. He's mellowed a bit since then, but people close to him know better than to sneak up on him while he is wrapped up in his work.
The biggest weakness he has, however, is his inability to trust women and let them close to him. Unless a person has proven time and again that she won't desert him, he is incapable of allowing a woman to access his inner thoughts. There's really only one woman who gets to be privy to very much depth, and there are definitely still things he doesn't reveal to her.
Habits\Quirks: Theo cracks his knuckles before every meal. He spent two years in Thailand and likes to do Tai Chi. He often practices at odd, ungodly hours. The motions of it soothe him. The same goes for piano, which he has played since he was three. The first thing he does in the morning is drink a cup of coffee (black), and read the classifieds section of the Daily Prophet.
Likes\Dislikes: Likes coffee, reading and reinterpreting ancient scrolls, using ancient magic, women in his button down shirts. Dislikes harpies, bats and apple pie. Yes, that's right. He dislikes apple pie. Also, he doesn't like (at *all*) steak and kidney pie. "Anything as common as pie is not appropriate."
Occupation: Independent Researcher for Ancient Magic Journal, does freelance work for museums and anyone who needs it and meets his standards.
Financial Status: "If you're asking, there's no doubt I am better off than you."
Residence: Nott Manor, Stratford-Upon-Avon, Warwickshire.

History from student days at Hogwarts to the present time: Theodore's father was in Azkaban when his Hogwarts days were done. Not wanting to stick around while all his possessions were rifled through and claimed for the Ministry, he left the country as soon as his name was cleared, on the condition that he had to send reports back to the Ministry every few months. He was incredibly glad that his father had not forced him to get the Mark, for he'd never have been able to just leave in the midst of all that.
He found himself in Thailand, in a small rural village with a huge library. He stayed two years. An old man by the name of Sunan had taken him into his home and shared his wisdom. There were many nights when Theodore would be woken at odd hours to practice the fluid forms of Tai Chi, and he found that he was soothed by it. It helped to drive away the anger that he felt. Sunan had taught him that 'if one can learn to harness their passionate, volatile emotions, then they are freed to see the deeper revelations'. Theodore took this to mean all emotion and sought to suppress as much as possible. After two years with Sunan, he moved on to other villages, other libraries, never staying overly long, but always learning a lot.
He took many lovers during his time in Thailand, each one prettier than the last, and all very good in bed. However, not letting any of them closer than the occasional orgasm, Theodore found it all too easy to leave them behind.
It was an owl that called him home. An owl from the only woman he cared to listen to, not that she'd asked him to return. He could sense that she could use him, though. So home he had come, only to immerse himself in going out when asked, but mostly staying in and researching, studying his scrolls. He submits to the standard searching of his home, occasionally placing useless books out for them to find, just to add some excitement to Marcus Flint's life, the bloody prat. He occasionally goes out with the other people from his house and year, or when appearances are necessary at galas and the like, but for the most part he lets others come to him.

Theo's Puppet Master is Nicole (nbaeker)