Astoria Greengrass

Age: 23
Birthdate: December 1, 1983
Family background: A member of the illustrious Greengrass family, Astoria has tried to distance herself from the more militant factions of her relatives. Mad is mad, no matter how pure your blood is. And Astoria tried to leave the crazy behind when she left home.
House in School: Slytherin
Bloodline (and does it matter?): Pureblood. I have halfblood and Muggleborn acquaintances, and they don't seem to be disease ridden, or anything, for the most part. I can't really tell that they're all that different than I am, with the exception of saying some truly strange things. Muggle clothiers have some nice ideas, and Muggles make some fairly nice wines, so they can't be all bad, can they?
Political Views: Voldemort was a fascist, racist, elitist, murdering arse and now things have moved too far the other way. Could there possibly be a happy medium? No? Then I'll just go back to not caring, then.
Visual Representation: Mila Kunis
Description: Small, petite, and brunette, with one green eye and one blue. People rarely look close enough to see that, though.

Psychology and Personality
Sexuality: Straight. Likes men, but has a bit of trouble trusting them. She's been burned a few times, and she's not too keen on telling those stories that might make her seem weak or foolish, though she does admit to having a past with both Draco Malfoy, Seamus Finnegan and Roger Davies. She's rather off men, for the moment, in any case.
Strengths and Weaknesses: Transfiguration is her specialty and Charms come a close second. Astoria studied very hard under Professor McGonagall to be an animagius. Although she wanted to be a phoenix or a or a fox or a panther or something sexy like that, to her utter disappointment and McGonagall's delight, when she casts the animagus spell, she transforms into a kitten. A small, calico kitten. Not even a BLACK cat. A kitten. Astoria finds it humiliating and so not many people know about her talent, though she is registeres with the Ministry, if anyone cared to check. She doesn't advertise her talent, although she does like the freedom of wandering the streets of London without people looking at her. It's a touch annoying when she gets picked up and cuddled, though, as she isn't quite as fast as a full grown cat.

Habits/Quirks: She cannot multi-task. When she's performing a task and you speak to her, she is unable to answer. Full concentration is needed to do whatever it is to the best of her ability. She dislikes haughtiness, although has been guilty of it, herself. Double standard? Hello, she's Slytherin.
Likes/Dislikes: Likes vanilla beans, marscapone cheese, the caramelized sugar on the top of a creme brulee, orange zest, a dry, peppery, pinot noir with a smooth finish, lemon tarts, men who are men and not boys in a man's body, Chateau La Mondotte Saint-Emilion 1996, and the feeling of completion when a job's well done. Astoria thinks her cousin is a fanatical, over zealous, tramp. She'd consider changing her name to distance herself from Daphne, if she thought it would do her any good at all.
Occupation: Sommelier at The Blue Owl
Financial Status: Comfortable, but not wealthy. She doesn't accept money from her parents anymore, because it comes with stipulations and conditions, so she has to be a bit careful about spending money.
Residence: Regent Towers, London

Astoria's Puppet Master is Carrie (persephone33)