Daphne Elladora Greengrass
If you don't want to be added to THE LIST, don't use 'Elladora.' Like, ever.
Age: 26
Birthdate: May 11, 1980
Family background: Like most of the former Slytherins, she was raised in an environment of expectation and affluence. Her parents were killed in the war. Voldemort personally killed her father, and then in a stunning show of support to her Lord, Daphne was ordered to dispatch her mother. Reports vary on whether or not she actually completed the command.
House in School: Slytherin
Bloodline (and does it matter?): Pureblood. And it matters. You bet your muggleborn sympathizing arse it matters.
Political Views: She's got many views, and none of them would make her popular with many people. She's angry about how things went down after the war. Angry, and ready to do something about it.
Visual Representation: Danielle Bux
Description: Tallish, brunette and buxom, Daphne used to be a blonde until she decided that a hair glamour suited her personality a bit better. She makes a living by showing off her body, and that career path has proven to be a bit more lucrative than research or her pathetic job at the Ministry, which she keeps to maintain her connection to complete THE PLAN.

Psychology and Personality
Sexuality: Sex? Yes, please.
Strengths and Weaknesses: Daphne possesses endurance, an undying spirit, and has renewed her efforts to be back on top. (In more ways than one. Mind out of the gutters, you naughty, naughty girls.) She has an uncanny ability to compartmentalize. She can shove her loathing and hatred to the back of her mind and be pleasant enough to those she wants to throttle as a means to an end. She can even stomach touching Mudbloods if it's within the parameters of her plan. But the plan had better reap some bloody satisfying rewards if that's the case.
Habits/Quirks: When she's completely alone, she plans and plots, daydreaming the perfect scenarios of the deaths of her enemies. Or sometimes just screwing with their heads. She likes things very orderly. A plan has to be neat to be well-executed. But on the other hand, she's all chaos and unpredictability. She's a five foot, nine inch Pandora's box of nightmares for the people that she hates.
Likes/Dislikes: She likes animals. They don't talk back. She dislikes most people. They do.
Occupation: Assitant to the undersecretary of finance at the Ministry, sometime model for Playwizard and Wizard's Monthly, and her spare time activities take quite a chunk of time.
Financial Status: Comfortable enough, supplemented by her various hobbies
Residence: One of the family's remaining homes in Lancashire, in the middle of the bloody country. If she could find a buyer for the dratted thing, she'd sell and move to England. But the place is haunted, in more ways than one.

History from student days at Hogwarts to the present time: Daphne feels abandoned by her former housemates and friends. She did the things that were asked of her, for the most part. The things that she couldn't do? Well, she had them done, and that was the same, or good enough, wasn't it?
She lost her parents, (didn't phase her) the vast majority of her holdings and most of the Greengrass properties. Some were seized, some burned, and some tucked away for safekeeping.
She went to school, did the obligatory research that everyone expected of her, and barely scraped by. She got a job in the secretarial pool at the Ministry, indignant to rubbing elbows with the Mudbloods and Halfbloods. Slowly, she worked her way up to Assistant to the Undersecretary of Finance, and finally decided to supplement her income with modeling. To her disgust, she got more work as a brunette than a blonde. She hates most everyone, and in her delightfully twisted brain, she has plans for retribution. Those plans make her a bit giddy.

Daphne's Puppet Master is Carrie (persephone33)