Pansy Delphine Parkinson

Age: 26
Birthdate: January 14, 1980
Family background: Her father was a Death Eater. Her mother was too stupid and weak to challenge him, and consequently Pansy was forced to do things that no child should have to. No brothers or sisters. She's the sole heir to the Parkinson fortune and debts.
House in School:Slytherin
Bloodline (and does it matter?): Pureblood. Of course it matters, darling.
Political Views: Hates the Ministry, loathes Harry Potter, her parents, paying reparations, people that demand her money, politicians, Muggle-rights radicals and the red states and the blue states. She wants very much to be left the hell alone by all of them.
Visual Representation: The very lovely Catherine Zeta-Jones
Description: 5'6", 105 lbs. of walking sex appeal. Ask anyone.

Psychology and Personality
Sexuality: Pansy prefers the company of men. She gets on better with men. She can appreciate the beauty of other women, but doesn't feel the need to touch. Or anything else.
Strengths and Weaknesses: Strength? She's smart. She's strong. She's an above average dancer. Weakness? Hello, my name is Pansy Parkinson. Like I'm going to tell you what my weaknesses are. Pfft. Not that I have any. *sneer*
Habits\Quirks: Drinks a bit more than she should, sleeps late, never passes a mirror without looking at herself.
Likes\Dislikes: Likes:Arithmancy, bitchiness, bitching, control, cursing, drinking, firewhisky, flowers, gardening, hexing, manipulation, men, shopping, smoking, snarking, snogging, spending money, roses, vodka, and wine. Dislikes: See politics above and Anyone who blatantly disagrees with her. And Hufflepuffs, on principle.
Occupation: Is kept by the Galleons of the Parkinson Estate. Doesn't have to work. Shops, lunches, and goes to happy hour. Does a bit of financial consulting, after all, it's taken a bit of creativity to keep her money where it is. She's also rather a dab hand at running her household. Not that she's domestic. Perish the thought. She's employed on her own time, beautifying the world one witch at a time with her shop - La Belle Pensee.
Financial Status: Independently wealthy
Residence: Beaumaris, Bath, Somerset

History from student days at Hogwarts to the present time: Pansy was the ringleader of the Slytherin girls at Hogwarts, and still rather enjoys being in charge and the center of attention. She dated Draco Malfoy, but sometime between 6th year and the present the relationship fizzled. He never put her on the pedestal that she wanted, and he was almost too pretty for her, anyway. She doesn't care for competition. He is her best friend and dearest companion, though. While in school, her father would take her on Death Eater raids where she was forced to cast illegal curses, curses that were later used on her if she didn't perform to her father's exacting standards. She doesn't like to advertise that she was good at cursing people, Muggles, and doesn't enjoy doing it much anymore. She didn't take the Dark mark, but only because she threw a temper tantrum and got hysterical. Her father was embarrassed of her and sent her home, torturing her for punishment afterwards. She started dating Ron Weasley as of late, and rather likes him. A lot.

Pansy's Puppet Master is Carrie (persephone33)