Roger Andrew Davies

Age: 28
Birthdate: September 20, 1977
Family background: Raised in an upper middle class wizarding home by Nell and Geoffrey Davies. He has one sister, Honoria.
House in School: Ravenclaw
Bloodline (and does it matter?): He's pure blooded, but has an Uncle who's a Squib. And there's no way he could care less about the whole issue, anyhow.
Political Views: Doesn't follow politics. If it's not in the sports page or on a coaster at the pub (and he just skims, that, frankly), he's not reading it.
Visual Representation: Mr. Ryan Gosling
Description: 6'2" 185, sandy blond hair, blue eyes, poor posture.

Psychology and Personality
Sexuality: Stu-raight.
Strengths and Weaknesses:
Habits\Quirks: Is obsessed with Quidditch statistics. Likes his butterbeer cold. If his team is winning, he doesn't change his socks. Brace yourself. Every bit a bachelor. Eats out of takeout cartons (over the sink), washes only what he needs, doesn't know household-y spells, so is pants at cleaning.
Likes\Dislikes: Loves the Falmouth Falcons and Puddlemere United. Despises with every fibre of his being the Chudley Cannons and the Tutshill Tornados. Plots their imaginary demise each season. Plays a pickup game of Quidditch whenever he can.
Occupation: Just re-signed to the Falmouth Falcons after months of intensive therapy on his wrists and does occasional articles for the Quibbler.
Financial Status: He's doing all right. But then, he only needs enough to pay rent and go to the pub, so that's not much is it?
Residence: Flat in Cheapside, London

History from student days at Hogwarts to the present time: He floated around during the war, trying to stay out of the line of sight. Played professional Quidditch for a bit until a bludger shattered the bones in his right wrist. They never healed correctly and he can't hold a broomstick for very long as a result. Took a job with The Prophet and the Department of Magical Games and Sports. If he can't play, being around it is the next best thing. He's mates with a lot of the Quidditch set, and has dated around a bit, finally settling on the lovely Demelza Robbins.

Roger's Puppet Master is Carrie (persephone33)