Rose Dahlia Zeller

Age: 21
Birthdate: August 31, 1984
Family background: Her parents died when she was very young, and she was raised by and Aunt and Uncle, Robert and Beatrice Zeller, who were never overly affectionate with her.
House in School: Hufflepuff
Bloodline (and does it matter?): Pure enough that she has to pay the taxes. And no, past it bothering her that she feels like she's being discriminated against.
Political Views: Rose is too busy with work to get involved in politics. She would like to get close enough to some Ministry officials, though and peer into their minds to see why they do the things they do.
Visual Representation: Reese Witherspoon
Description: Rose is petite and blonde, with blue eyes. She uses her innocent face in her job often, it seems that people are very willing to open up to such a sweet looking girl. She's 5'3" and 105 lbs.

Psychology and Personality
Sexuality: Straight
Strengths and Weaknesses:Rose's mind is very strong. She is able to withstand even the most painful memories though Legilimency, and she's a gifted counselor, having empathy for just about everyone. Rose has a weakness for men. She likes them a lot, and has been burned several times, refusing to use her talent with reading thoughts to help her relationships. She dated Justin Finch-Fletchley and due to a magical Obliviation by her neighbor where she was repeatedly cursed without her knowledge, she lost her memory of their time together. True to form, she's picked a 'bad boy' to spend time with, and has fallen a little too hard for Cormac McLaggen.
Habits\Quirks: Goes running in the mornings, rests her chin on intertwined fingers when really listening to someone, or thinking very hard. Her hair always starts the day fixed and down, but by the time shes goes home it's always in a ponytail.
Likes\Dislikes: She has a serious weakness for chocolate. Keeps it on her desk, eats it for breakfast, has all different varieties on hand at all times. Rose maintains, however, that the stuff that people call 'white chocolate' is in fact not chocolate, but emulsified lethicin masquerading as her favorite confection. *frowns* Also, she likes to laugh. And she finds pumpkin juice abhorrent in every way possible.
Occupation: Counselor and Head Healer at St. Mungos, with a specialty in Legilimency
Financial Status: Lives, pays the bills, pays the taxes, has some left over to buy pretty dresses. She's happy and comfortable, if not wealthy.
Residence: Regent Towers, London

History from student days at Hogwarts to the present time: Rose was an excellent student, although she excelled more in books and tests than the practical application of most subjects. Excelling in Divination, and a frequent receiver of visions of the future, she continued blithely through her education until she was introduced to Legilimency, having been a sometime student of Severus Snape. She knew that working with the mind was what she wanted to do, that she had to somehow weave her skill into her everyday work. After the fall of Voldemort, she accelerated her classes, joining the workforce while still in Hogwarts. She's always been a bit of an old soul, and when the lead head Healer at St. Mungos, Octavius Bedford, met her, he decided to take her on as an apprentice right away. Octavius died of extreme old age just a few months ago, and the hospital has yet to find a replacement for him. Thus, Rose has taken on his case load as well. She's a little stressed about this, wanting to do the very best job that she can for everyone.

Rose's Puppet Master is Carrie (persephone33)