Nathaniel David Chambers

Age: 25
Birthdate: April 12, 1981
Family background: Nate comes from a proper English family. His mother's a housewife, his father is a businessman who owns a great deal of real estate throughout the United Kingdom. His father was horrified at the prospect of Nathaniel going off to Hogwarts, but then the thought of explaining away his magical accidents for another seven years of schooling wasn't appealing to him, either. In the end it was his mother who was his biggest advocate, insisting that he should be allowed to explore the option. He has a younger sister, Meredith, who is as muggle as they come and currently interning for their father's company. She's like the son that their father wished he had.
House in School: Ravenclaw
Bloodline (and does it matter?): Muggleborn, and no, not especially. He wasn't too happy about having to be homeschooled for a year when he wasn't welcome at Hogwarts, but he's since gotten over that.
Political Views: As a dedicated Ministry employee, Nate toes the appropriate party line, but is careful to keep his more opinionated leanings to himself.
Visual Representation: Matthew Gray Gubler
Description: With a slim build and standing six foot one with chiseled good looks, Nate's been called 'pretty boy' more than a few times. He doesn't understand it, and definitely doesn't have a high opinion of his own looks.

Psychology and Personality
Sexuality: Straight
Strengths and Weaknesses: Nate's got a good head on his shoulders; he has common sense even if he doesn't always use it. He tends to be a bit withdrawn, not going out of his way to endear people to him, but mostly because he's not terribly outgoing, not because he has any major character flaws.
Habits/Quirks: Nate hates getting his hands dirty, always carries a paperback book with him so he has something to do when waiting in lines, and has to drink water with his meals.
Likes/Dislikes: Carving pumpkins, playing badminton, drawing, Star Wars, and eating cashews. Nate dislikes people who think they're better than him because of their bloodstatus, most of his bosses at the Ministry, and mindless, repetitive tasks.
Occupation: A bureaucrat in the Department of Magical Law Enforcement
Financial Status: While Nate's family is very well off, he refuses to accept help from his parents. His father started from very humble beginnings and built an empire. Nate won't be robbed of the same opportunity - not that he has lofty financial goals. He'd like to be comfortable, have a nice home, and to be able to have more choices in his life, all without going into debt.
Residence: Nate lives in a modest, but respectable, flat on the outskirts of London.

History from student days at Hogwarts to the present time: Nate finished at Hogwarts and took a job at his father's firm. Within weeks it became apparent that he'd rather be penniless than work for his father, and he was able to find a job opening at the Ministry shortly after coming to that realization. He's usually in a relationship as he not a huge fan of change; he's been known to stay in a relationship because it's easier than breaking one off. He's not sure exactly where to find happiness yet in his life, but he's starting to think that there must be something better out there than the life he's living.

Nate's Puppet Master is Celeste (seegrim)