Neville Longbottom

Age: 25
Birthdate: July 30, 1980
Family background: Raised by his grandmother, Augusta, who taught him well, he went to Hogwarts knowing firmly what was right and what was wrong. His parents, Frank and Alice Longbottom, have been in St. Mungo's for almost all of his life, the victims of an ambiguous prophecy and Bellatrix Lestrange's ruthless sadism. His only other family is his Uncle Algie, who although getting on in years, retains the same directness which led him to dangle an eight-year-old Neville from a window to scare him into manifesting his magic.
House in School: Gryffindor
Bloodline (and does it matter?): Pureblood, and no, it doesn't matter.
Political Views: Neville grew up supporting the Ministry, and while he feels no need to question his allegiance to them now, he's a free thinker.
Visual Representation: Jensen Ackles
Description: A round-faced pudgy boy, Neville has grown into his looks. At just over six feet tall with brown hair and green eyes, he has a muscular build due mostly to his love of working outdoors.

Psychology and Personality
Strengths and Weaknesses: Neville is outgoing and will talk to just about anyone. He knows what he wants and works tirelessly to get it, having high standards for himself, especially professionally. Having once been the underdog, he's a natural champion for people who aren't strong enough to defend themselves. That being said, patience is not one of Neville's strong points. He's often intolerant of anything that slows him down, regardless of whether he has any control over it or not.
Habits\Quirks: Neville's a bed hog. Usually has dirt under his fingernails. He likes to wake up before the sun rises. Wears glasses when he reads, even though he doesn't really need them. Is compulsively tidy.
Likes\Dislikes: Likes mornings, enjoys a challenge, likes solving problems. Enjoys working with plants, mostly because he likes getting his hands dirty. It surprised him, but he does enjoy teaching - those students who want to learn, at least. He does not like people who can't make up their mind or people who don't stand up for what they believe in. He doesn't like dressing up or putting on airs, and he -above all- still hates flying.
Occupation: Neville teaches Herbology at Hogwarts and owns a nursery with Ginny Weasley. His jobs keep him busy, but he loves them both, and wouldn't dream of giving either of them up.
Financial Status: Having invested his parents' money wisely, he's not independently wealthy, but he doesn't have to worry about money.
Residence: Currently, Neville is staying at Hogwarts.

History from student days at Hogwarts to the present time: Neville was correctly sorted into Gryffindor, after all, his strong point was bravery. He stood up for his principles, even when it meant standing up to his friends. Becoming a member of the DA was a defining point in Neville's life. He realized that he had something to offer the world and from then on, he began to think more of himself, growing more confident day by day. Seventh year found Neville having to step up as the protector of his housemates and as a leader of the student rebellion.
After leaving Hogwarts, Neville went on to Auror training and actually worked as an auror for a few years before deciding it wasn't for him. When McGonagall offered him the job of Herbology Professor, he jumped at the chance. He also owns a nursery with Ginny Weasley, fulfilling a life-long dream.
His grandmother is still alive, and so are his parents who are still, unfortunately, in the same condition as they've been most of his life, living out their days at St. Mungo's.
Romantic relationships with Neville have never stuck; he's always been able to find dates, and he's had girlfriends, but he's never been in a successful long-term relationship. He's beginning to think that not everyone is cut out for love and marriage.

Neville's Puppet Master is Celeste (seegrim)