Olivia Grace Bradley

Age: 25
Birthdate: March 24, 1981
Family background: Olivia's parents, Richard and Sophie Bradley are solidly middle class. Richard owns a small chain of car lots and Sophie is an accountant part time. Not able to have children of their own, they adopted Olivia when she was just an infant through a private adoption. She's never doubted her parents' love and credits them with helping her to become the person she is today.
House in School: Ravenclaw
Bloodline (and does it matter?): Olivia's a muggleborn, and no, it doesn't really matter to her.
Political Views: She appreciates that the Ministry wasn't as pro-pureblood as they were right up before the last Voldemort war, but in her work for DPRES, she's seen a lot of innocent people being treated poorly.
Visual Representation: Rachelle Lefevre
Description: Average height, with not so average red hair and blue eyes. What she used to hate about herself as a teenager, she now embraces as an adult.

Psychology and Personality
Sexuality: Straight
Strengths and Weaknesses: Olivia is a horrible procrastinator and seldom makes it anywhere on time. She's not very good at hiding her feelings; they usually show up on her face.
Habits/Quirks: Olivia hates being uncomfortable, so she usually kicks off her shoes the second she gets to work. She also doesn't like exercise, so she's gotten really good at doing it first thing in the morning when she's half-asleep still.
Likes/Dislikes: She likes handbags, shoes, men, crisp parchment, a good book, and silk pajamas. She dislikes being poor, men, cleaning, and wearing socks.
Occupation: Works at the Ministry, currently in the DPRES office
Financial Status: Olivia loves to shop; she's always got her eye on a new handbag or pair of shoes, so she basically lives paycheck to paycheck.
Residence: Rents a bedsit in London. It's not much, but it's what she can afford.

History from student days at Hogwarts to the present time: Olivia finished at Hogwarts not really knowing what it was she wanted to do. Her parents pushed her to go to Muggle University, so she did while working part time as in intern for DPRES. She graduated with a degree in public administration and then accepted a full time position with DPRES as the office manager.

Olivia's Puppet Master is Celeste (seegrim)