Ronald Billius Weasley

Age: 26
Birthdate: March 01, 1980
Family background: The sixth son of Molly and Arthur Weasley, Ron was constantly the butt of jokes and the bearer of hand-me-downs, but despite this, grew up happy and well-adjusted.
House in School: Gryffindor
Bloodline (and does it matter?): Pureblood, not that it matters much to Ron.
Political Views: Ron wishes everyone could just accept each other and get along, although he still harbors ill feelings towards those who were Death Eaters or who fought against the Order.
Visual Representation: Zach Gilford
Description: Ron finally maxed out at a little over six feet tall. He's developed some muscles, and isn't as gangly-looking as he used to be. His eyes are blue and his smile is charming.

Psychology and Personality
Sexuality: Ron balked at this question. He was offended I had to ask him; said it should be obvious that he fancies girls, he says.
Strengths and Weaknesses: Ron is occasionally loyal to a fault and sometimes a bit too brave for his own good. He's a good friend.
Habits\Quirks: Ron goes flying every Saturday. He bites his nails. Has a bad habit of always saying what he's thinking.
Likes\Dislikes: Ron likes women, food, and flying, and on most days, his job. He's still an avid fan of the Chudley Cannons. He likes making renovations to his house. He loathes paperwork, having to wear a tie, and cleaning up after himself.
Occupation: Unspeakable.
Financial Status: Comfortably middle class.
Residence: A small two-bedroom house in Hogsmeade village. A fixer-upper.

History from student days at Hogwarts to the present time: Ron heard one too many times from the teachers at Hogwarts that perhaps he should look into a different career choice than that of an Auror. He applied to the program and although it was a full year before they accepted him, he graduated with high marks. Shortly after his completion of the Auror program he was approached by someone from the Department of Mysteries about a career as an Unspeakable.

Ron's Puppet Master is Celeste (seegrim)