Zacharias Edgar Smith

Age: 26
Birthdate: June 12th, 1980
Family background: His parents, Raymond and Evelyn Smith, are loving parents to both he and his sister, Marley, who, four years his senior, is married with children and lives in Ireland. Zach was an energetic child and as the youngest was doted on endlessly. He receives packages from his mother, whom he adores despite the fact that she still calls him 'Zachypoo', via owl once a week.
House in School: Hufflepuff
Bloodline (and does it matter?): Pureblooded, and not especially.
Political Views: Zacharias doesn't care so much about politics.
Visual Representation: Chris Evans
Description: Six feet tall, light brown hair, blue eyes, muscular

Psychology and Personality
Sexuality: Straight.
Strengths and Weaknesses: Loyal to those he's attached himself to. Persistent. Works endlessly to achieve his goals. On the flip side, he can be rather fickle. Tends to look out for himself first.
Habits\Quirks: Is compulsive about punctuality. Exercises every day. Flosses religiously.
Likes\Dislikes: Has a fondness for alcohol, although he doesn't indulge often. Doesn't do laundry. Likes Muggle music, most types. Has season tickets to the London Philharmonic.
Occupation: Healer
Financial Status: Comfortable
Residence: Maintains a flat on St. James' Square

History from student days at Hogwarts to the present time: Upon leaving Hogwarts, Zacharias applied and was accepted to the Healer Training Program run through St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries. He didn't apply with the desire to help his fellow man so much as with the attitude that it was a position of power and it fed his ego--holding the power to heal in his hands. He finished the extensive training towards the top of his class and has been employed by St. Mungo's for several years now, as well as moonlighting at a Muggle care home, Victoria Grange. Along the way somewhere, he's developed more of a conscience and is maturing into a decent person.

Zacharias' Puppet Master is Celeste (seegrim)